Friday, April 19, 2013

When My Husband Deploys

Deployments. They stink. But I try to look on the bright side of things. Dwelling on being sad will not help the time go by any quicker. So I decided to make a list of things I like to do when my husband is deployed.

Stretch out in bed. Yes, I’m one of those people who enjoy having the bed to myself. Some people are like, “I can’t sleep without my mate!” I’m all, “I won’t be disturbed by man snoring!” Mind you, I do freak myself out at night and then wish he were there to tell me that there are no ghosts in the room with us and no, that ball of cat fur is not a giant spider, ready to attack.

Fart/Stop Shaving. I basically turn into a dude when he’s gone. I mean, I act like a civilized human being when I leave the house (for the most part) but at home I’m in sweats with hairy legs.

Cereal for dinner. I love easy meals! Tom isn’t a fan of them. Meaning, if I ever said, “Cereal for dinner!” he’d be like, “What? I can’t have cereal for dinner!” Or if I said, “Dinner is whatever you can find,” he would seem baffled on what he ought to do. The kids are fine with it though so we have easy meals at least two times a week. Sometimes more.

Watch girly shows and movies. Tom isn’t a fan of a lot of my shows. Grey’s Anatomy bores him, and Downton Abbey baffles him. “I don’t see the point in any of this?” he once said. I can watch my stuff whenever I want. Chick flicks make me laugh which helps take my mind off the fact that he’ll be gone for awhile.

Know that with each day that passes brings it closer to him coming home. Some days are harder than others and I just tell myself, “It’ll pass. Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it.” Yes, that’s totally a line from Anne of Green Gables.

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