Sunday, December 2, 2012

Project 365 - Week 48

As I sit at my desktyping this, I have had the most wonderful weekend so far...I wish I could say doing absolutely nothing, but that is not the case.  I have been a delegate at the Alabama Education Association Representative Assembly since Thursday and this is the day we have a joint Christmas meal with the Baptist Church next I have been cooking.  I have done some major crafting and am excited about my newest project.  I have to say I am not sorry to see November leave and very happy to see December arrive!!

Here's my week:

Sunday, November 25th
Tonight we celebrated the Hanging of the Greens at church.  I love it when we put the tree up and decorate it with the Chrismon ornaments our Ladies Guild has made.  I know that Christmas has offically begun when we do this.
Monday, November 26th
I bought some cookware at the auction on Thanksgiving night.  I finally got it unpacked, cleaned, and put away tonight.  I can't wait to bake in it.
Tuesday, November 27th
I brought a ton of scarves from Susan's to sell.  Everyone has been very interested in all the goodies in my room.  She has really outdone herself this time.

Wednesday, November 28th
I had a doctor's appointment today for my annual female check up.  I dread this appointment every year.  This year the hospital had really gone all out with wonderful decorations.  I had to grab this poinsettia.  It was so lovely. 
Thursday, November 29th

I am at a conference in Montgomery today through Saturday noon.  I love the hotel we stay in because they have the most beautiful trees.
Friday, November 30th
Friday during the Alabama Education Association Representative Assembly.  That is Dot, our president up on the screen.
Saturday, December 1st

I got home from the AEA-RA on Saturday and spent the remainder of the day crafting my little heart out.  I still have a good bit to finish and I need some more plates and candlesticks in order to finish these up.  I also have to get some ribbon to finish up Marians gift.  I can't wait for her to see it.  Hope you have a wonderful week and hop over and link up with Sarah.  I know everyone else would love for you to check out their photos.

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