Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I Didn't Burn The Christmas Ham

"Did I get one?" was the first thing Tommy asked as he rushed downstairs to check out what Santa had left.

"I don't know," I answered.

"It's just, I've been wanting one for YEARS!" Tommy shrieked and gasped with pleasure when he saw Santa's set up.

"I just want Princess stuff," Natalie said matter-of-factly. I actually had to wake her up. It was a little before 8 and I expected both kids would be ready and waiting for me to come get them. But no, she had been tucked in her bed, surrounded by her princess dolls, a tiny crown perched on her head.

Tommy, on the other hand, was wide awake. He claimed he had been up since 4.


"He came!" Tommy bellowed, digging into his stocking.

"PRINCESS STUFF!" Natalie yelled, grabbing her dresses that Santa left draped over the couch.

"I'm not seeing it," Tommy said, panicked.

"If you don't get one, at least you have other stuff," I reminded him.

"I know but...I've been wanting one for YEARS!" Tommy repeated. He plunged his hand into his stocking and pulled out chocolates, tiny toys, Nerds...I could see the worry beginning to form on his face.

And then...

At the very bottom of the stocking...

"I GOT IT! I GOT IT!" Tommy boomed. If anyone had been sleeping in the house, they'd have surely woken up then.

"I love it. I LOVE IT!" And Tommy promptly ignored his other stuff. Seriously, we could have gotten him the iPod Touch and he would have been fine.

Tommy's iPod Touch, by the way, is better than ours. We have the one from a couple of years ago. No camera. No FaceTime.

Tommy's has a camera. FaceTime. It's shiny.

Tom almost wanted to trade him his old one for the new one.

Meanwhile, Natalie was digging through her gifts and found the Rapunzel gown that Tom's Mom had sent:

"It's beautiful!" she gasped.

All in all, it was an awesome Christmas.

I mean, look what Tom got me:

Anyone want some chocolate? Because I'll have some for years. Or, you know, months.

He also knows that I love the Titanic and got me authentic Titanic wood.

And it was a white Christmas:

AND...I didn't burn the food. Everything came out delicious:

So our Christmas was awesome. On Friday I'll probably write how I got Tom's gifts. Getting one was a bit of an adventure.

How was your Christmas?

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