Monday, December 17, 2012

We're With You, Newtown

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the horrific shooting in Connecticut.

I spent most of Friday in front of my TV, a hand over my mouth in shock as bits of news kept pouring in about it.

My heart squeezed when I heard an entire Kindergarten class was unaccounted for—Kindergarten. Five and six year olds. I have a Kindergartener. Then later it was found that it was actually first grade, but still. Babies.

I just wanted to have a post where we could all keep those families in our thoughts. I can’t even imagine and what makes it worse is that it happened so close to Christmas. There are probably presents wrapped for those now deceased children under the tree that they’ll never get.

I wanted to be sure that people knew that Sandy Hook Elementary was in my thoughts and that while I might post other silly posts this week, that the community is never far from my mind.

We’re with you, Newtown.

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