Monday, December 24, 2012

All I Want For Christmas

Christmas is tomorrow. Are you ready? I think I am. I hope I am. I’m not going to the stores today so if I forgot something, I’m wrapping up a bunch of leftover crap and calling it a gift.

The following are what I would like for Christmas:

For people to turn off word verification on their blogs

To still fit into my pants after the holiday season

For judgemental moms to shut their traps and stop posting condesending things on Facebook.

For a literary agent to love my writing and want to represent me. Look, if SNOOKI has a book out there, I feel I should too.

To strike it rich and pay off my car. I hate car payments!

For the television networks to stop cancelling shows so soon. The Last Resort is getting cancelled, yet The Neighbors gets to stay. What?

For someone to fold laundry for me. I hate folding laundry. I tend to shove things in drawers. Whenever my Mom visits she always folds things so nicely and I think, “I like this. I should try it.” It never happens.

To have a white Christmas. We might! It’s in the forecast but one never knows with Oklahoma. The state behaves like a petulant child sometimes.

I hope you all get what you want for Christmas!

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