Thursday, December 20, 2012

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Not Being Able To Say Merry Christmas

“Merry Christmas!” I said this morning to other mothers as I walked Natalie to school.

Yes. I said Merry Christmas. And I’m not going to stop. I’m getting a tad tired of all this PC nonsense. If someone is offended over Merry Christmas then I suggest they need to get a life or reevaluate what is really important to get upset about these days.

I’m not terribly religious but I’m not offended by it. To me the phrase means happy things. Trees. Cookies. Carols.

If someone were to say, “Happy Hannukah” to me I wouldn’t care either.

If someone said, “Happy Kwanzaa!” I’d say, “Thank you!”

I’m annoyed that the “right” thing to say these days is Happy Holidays and that store workers can’t even say Merry Christmas anymore.

I’m going to be a rebel and say Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas, guys!

(I chuckled when I saw an ornament at Target that said “Happy Whatever Doesn’t Offend You.” Please though. Don’t get offended over a polite greeting. It’s not worth it!)

And one last thing. You can win a copy of my book The Swimmer’s Assistant if you go to one of my favorite websites Chick Lit Is Not Dead. Winner will be chosen December 23rd!

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