Monday, December 31, 2012

I Resolve To NOT...For 2013

So it’s sort of been a tradition on my blog to make resolutions…on what I’m NOT going to do. They’re much easier to keep, I’ve noticed…

Here is what I resolve NOT to do in 2013…

--I resolve to not…stop drinking Diet Coke. People are forever posting pictures and articles on how bad soda is for you and it only makes me want one even more.

--I resolve to not…start being a crafty parent. It’s just not for me and I don’t need to feel guilty about it. If someone wants to make a dress from a sock, good on them.

--I resolve to not…stop cringing when people continue to mess up your and you’re. If you’re-see what I did there? over the age of 10, you should know the difference. It’s YOU’RE welcome. Not your welcome.

--I resolve to not…feel guilty if the thought of playing a game with my kids causes me to want to rip my hair out. Hopefully they'll play better when they're older.

--I resolve to not…give up on finding an agent to represent me. Surely there is someone out there who believes in my writing. (I have a book on Kindle now called The Swimmer's Assistant if you're interested!)

--I resolve to not…stop making fun of Justin Bieber, One Direction, Keesha, and all those other awful singers who people have deemed “talented.” They aren’t my taste. At all. And what is the point of Nicki Minaj? I still don’t comprehend.

--I resolve to not…give up my junk food. I eat it in moderation. I laugh when these “experts” come on the TV and talk about how to give the junk up because you’ll feel “so much better.” No. I will not. If I don’t get my daily chocolate, I will not be a pleasant person to be around.

--I resolve to not…stop wondering how my husband can spend so long in the bathroom. Why would he want to remain in a room sniffing his filth? I don’t get it.

--I resolve to not…feel guilty for my parenting choices. I’m a proud breastfeeding, circumcising, non-organic food giving, allowing TV before the age of 2, disposable diaper buying mother. Hello.

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