Saturday, March 3, 2012

Project 365 - Week 9

Well March has definitely come in roaring like a lion.  We are nine weeks into Project 365 and if you want to join in the is not to late....jump over to Sarah's Blog and see all the photos the gang has taken. 

Here is what my week looked like in pictures and there seems to be an animal theme here don't 'cha think?

Sunday, February 26th
Love is in the Air - 1st place winners on February 25th.  The picture is lousy...but it was fun winning.
Monday, February 27th

Marian stopped by with her three pups and they were barking and trying to eat me alive.  I wanted to get them without the window....but it was not going to happen.
Tuesday, February 28th
Beau, our doxie, does not like to have his picture made but I managed a couple of shots of him this week when Frank was holding him in his arms.  He was still moving and trying to get his head to the side.
Wednesday, Februrary 29th
Most of my animal pictures were made from inside the car....through the window.  I came home sick on Wednesday and as I topped a hill this is what was waiting on the other side.  Her calf was in the fence on the other side of the road and she was not happy.  She let me by, and two trucks,...but the black SUV behind me made her begin to move rapidly to the other side of the road.  Whew!  Glad I was sick and driving slower than normal.

Thursday, March 1st
My favorite shot of the week was taken at Elkahatchee Dam....I loved the logs predicament.  Was it half over the dam....or half still in the river on the other side????

Friday, March 2nd

I got to see not one....but two rainbows coming home from work on Friday.  They were could see all the colors....and they are side by side....I just could not get them together in one shot.  By the time I had a clear shot one had faded and you could barely see it.  This is the nice thing about a storm.....a rainbow is possible after it.

Saturday, March 3rd
Coming home from taking Frank to the ER in Opelika for his back I lucked out and got to see the llama like animals.  I don't believe that they are llamas....but am not sure exactly what they are.  I pulled over and grabbed a quick couple of shots before traffic caught up with me.

Have a good week and don't forget to keep your camera handy.  You never know when the perfect shot is waiting just for you.

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