Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dragon Castle by Joseph Bruchac - ADVISABLE

Bruchac, Joseph Dragon Castle, 333 pgs. Penguin Group, 2011. Language - G, Sexual Content - PG; Violence - PG; Prince Rashko is the only sensible member of the royal family. Unfortunately, his older brother Prince Paulek is in charge when questionable guests arrive and he lets them right in. Now the guests are using enchantments to control Paulek and are abusing their freedom to reek havoc within the castle walls. It's up to Rashko to save the kingdom from the evil plans of their guests by using the power of his ancestor Pavol. But first he has to get back into the castle. 

It was slow at first, but after the evil-doers showed up it finally picked up. I liked switching between Rashko's story of saving the kingdom versus his ancestor Pavol's own heroic story. The last chapter put a fun twist on the story that made it end on such a good note that I already want to read it again. 


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