Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Changing Voice

Ever since Tommy has turned ten, he’s been obsessed with the fact that his voice is going to change.


Just the other day he was like, “When will it happen? One day will I wake up and my voice be deep? WILL I EVEN KNOW MYSELF ANYMORE?”

I told him it would probably be gradual. Then again, I’m not a dude so what do I know? I asked Tom and he stared at me blankly.

“You know. When your voice went deep?” I pressed. “Like this,” I squeaked. “To this.” I lowered my voice.

Tom shrugged, unmoved by my antics. “I can’t remember.”

I reminded Tommy that this probably didn’t happen until he was around 13.

“One day Freddie had a voice like me and then the next IT WAS DEEP!” Tommy shrieked.

“Tommy,” I said, rubbing my temples. “Who is Freddie?”

“From iCarly!” he yelped.


“Well, they might have done a marathon where one episode was young Freddie and the next was older.”

Tommy gripped his throat. “Will it hurt?”


“How will it be?” Tommy whispered theatrically.

“ know Tommy, there’s this show called The Brady Bunch. Let me point out a boy named Peter and—”



So yeah. That’s what going on in this house right now. And yes, I did get Tommy a book about what boys can expect when they grow.

This has opened up all sorts of conversations. It was especially fun when he randomly asked what wet dreams were in a restaurant and wanted to know where all his hair was. Down there.


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