Friday, March 9, 2012

And Now She Writes Curse Words

Most of my readers know that my kids seem to have issues with spelling their names.

My daughter Natalie writes Na or Nat on her school papers.

My son Tommy refuses to use a capital T. So he spells his name tommy.

And now..





Natalie wrote the word DAMN.

I knew my road rage would catch up to me some day….

When I saw the word in her school papers I asked what she was spelling.

“Letters,” she answered sweetly.

Mind you, she’s four so I don’t believe she actually spelled the word on purpose. (Or DID she? She is rather feisty..)

“So you don’t know what this says?” I asked.

Natalie tapped her chin. “Letters!” she repeated triumphantly.

So phew. She’s not going to start writing foul words all over her school work.

I mean, I suppose I should be grateful that she didn’t write the word that rhymes with luck.

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