Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spirit’s Princess by Esther Friesner - NO

Friesner, Esther Spirit’s Princess, 464 p. Random House, APRIL 2012.  Content: G.  All of her life Himiko has tried be as much of a man as her brother Aki, the son of the village chieftain.  Instead, she seems to cause disruption and problems wherever she goes.  Whether it is destroying the village totem or becoming lost across the mountains, she seems to lack luck of any kind.  

OK – I have to be honest.  After 200 pages of listening to Himiko whine her way into adolescence I just couldn’t take ONE MORE WORD!!!  Yes, I admit it – I stopped.  This heroine, this book is so very different from Friesner’s other books that I just couldn’t take it!  So if someone out there has read it and wants to contribute something positive about it, I would be happy to hear from you.  NOT RECOMMENDED. Cindy, Library Teacher

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