Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dreamless by Josephine Angelini - OPTIONAL

Angelini, Josephine Dreamless, 496 p. HarperCollins, MAY 2012.  Language: R (70+ swears, 0 ‘f’); Violence: PG-13.  Every night, Helen descends into the Underworld, searching for a way to free her family, her friends, her love, from the curse of the Furies – the curse that demands that they kill on sight any rival family member.  As Helen’s life is becoming harder, her rock, her would-be mate, Lucas, has pushed her away in the damaging fashion.  Into her journey, however, comes Orion, another similar to Helen who can descend into the Underworld.  Together they start figuring out pieces of the puzzle – and draw closer together.  There is plenty of danger, obstruction and betrayal – including a deeply laid plot that has been centuries in planning.  

Okay – I just have to get this out of my system – I HATE THE COVERS OF THESE BOOKS!  Every time I look at them I think – oh, I need to read this book – because the covers are so different from the contents of the books that I can’t relate them.  These books deserve MUCH BETTER covers.  

Helen is a rock star, her extended family are heroes and your students really need to read these books.  I certainly wish for a lower swear count so that I could include these in a middle school library.  HS – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library Teacher

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