Thursday, March 15, 2012

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Time Changes

“But it’s still light out. It’s not bedtime. You’re tricking me,” Natalie insisted, peeking out the window.

“It’s still light out because of something called Daylight Savings. I assure you, it’s bedtime,” I explained.

Ugh. Curse time changes! Arizona and Hawaii have it right. Why can’t Oklahoma be like Arizona and Hawaii?

“But it’s still light out. It’s NOT bedtime!” Natalie crossed her arms over her chest.

Dammit. I just wanted her to go to bed so I could watch some Army Wives in peace.

“It IS bedtime. Look, I’ll read you another book,” I promised, reaching for her Rapunzel one.

“Rapunzel says it’s not bedtime,” Natalie said.

“Rapunzel, it’s bedtime,” I said to the illustration on the book. I stared at Natalie. “You’ll understand when you’re older. I’m not putting you to bed early. I wouldn’t do that.”

Actually. I have done that. Several times when I have had enough. But what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.

I eventually got Natalie to go to bed. She still was giving me a wary look as I tucked her in.

Then on Monday morning Tommy kept peering out the window and he finally said, “I think we’re up at the wrong time. The sun isn’t where it usually is.”

“Tommy. It’s Daylight Savings. The time change. Remember?” It was too early to argue.

“Are you sure?” Tommy wondered. “What if I get to school and no one is there?”

“They’ll be there.”

“But it’s still really DARK out! Are you SURE this is RIGHT?”


Not really. I wanted to. Instead I gritted my teeth and promised that it was the right time.

The good news is, Tommy understands the time change now.

Natalie does not. Every night she’s been like, “But it’s still light out. It’s not bedtime..”

So again.

Oklahoma. Why can’t you be like Arizona and Hawaii?

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