Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Whole Hand

“I’m a whole hand now!” Natalie kept telling me on Monday. It was her fifth birthday and she was ready to open presents. I had set everything up the night before:

Natalie ran over and grabbed the Rapunzel doll and said, “I love her!” Then she got to opening presents.

“A beautiful Mermaid tail!”

She behaved like she was being serenaded..

..and I guess she was, because the Rapunzel card that her Grandma got her sang.

I had her pose in her new Rapunzel dress with her hair. No, I did NOT make that. I bought it on Etsy. I can’t knit to save my life.

I told Natalie she could pick whatever she wanted for her birthday dinner.

“I want pizza. From Papa Johns!” she announced.

So we had that.

Then we got the cake ready:

I swear the cake didn’t stink. Tommy was just being weird.

Natalie’s like, “Everyone just sang to me!”

Then Grandma sang her a special song and she loved it:

Natalie had her own personal princess cake:

Not Rapunzel, only because the store didn’t have it. “But I still like Cinderella. She had mice friends.” (Instead of Cinderella eating my daughter, my daughter ate Cinderella...mwahahaha...) (Joke about a book called Cinderella Ate My Daughter in case you're like ???)

She said she had a great birthday. I can’t believe I have a five-year-old who will be in KINDERGARTEN.

Think of all the QUIET…

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