And sometimes she doesn’t like to share.
These are two huge reasons why that I’m nervous for Natalie to start preschool today. What if she tells the teacher to piss off when it’s announced that it’s circle time? Suppose she conks another kid over the head with a block because he dared to try and take the toy she was playing with?
What if she poos her pants?
Will kids laugh and point and be all, “That’s Natalie. She took a dump right in the middle of craft time.”
Maybe Natalie will say, “No thanks,” when the teacher asks her to listen.
What if she cries when I try to drop her off? Will I look like a monster if I calmly unclasp her hands from around my leg and deposit her on the Magic Rug? Is it okay if I quickly kiss her goodbye and race out of there so she doesn’t have a chance to cry? Should I give her a pep talk (“let’s not poo our pants, okay?”)
I should know how to do all of this. I have an older kid who did the preschool thing. But I can’t remember what I did. Plus we were in England at the time and things were a little different there.
I’m a nervous wreck.
What if I don’t cry when I leave her? Does that mean I have a heart made of steel?
Or what if I burst into tears in front of everybody? I’m an ugly crier so this could be tragic.
I just can’t believe Natalie is already in preschool.
Wasn’t she just born?
I will be announcing the winner of the giveaway (see previous entry) tomorrow. So if you haven't entered yet, you still have time!
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