Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am not a good secret keeper.  If you have something you don't want told...don't tell it to me.  Oh, I don't tell the face does. I have to let you in on a little secret on me!  Anyone who has read my blog over the past couple of weeks knows about my big adventure to Michigan with Mary, Kat, and Mandy ....well what you don't know is the crazy thing I did.  In fact no one knows....except my across the hall buddy, Trina, I told her yesterday and she laughed til she I thought I would come clean today.  My sweet husband, Frank, spent some of his growing up years in Germany(military father)....and while he was there he fell in love with a cheese called Beer Kaese.  The only thing I can liken it to is Limburger cheese.  To put it stinks to high heaven.  Well....when we were in Frankenmuth...I found a Cheese Haus....and guess what they had?  You got it....Beer Kase.  I was so I spent five dollars on a small wedge.  When we got to the car, I put it in a double zip lock bag, and put it in the ice chest to keep it cool.....BIG Mistake!  We drove to Ann Arbor....and somewhere between Ann Arbor and Beavercreek, Ohio...a strange and funky odor began infiltrating the van.  The warmer it got outside...the worse the smell inside was.  None of us could figure out what that smell was kind of a cross between wet, moldy carpet....that a cat had urinated on.  I was a gaggy smell.   It was time for a fillup and we stopped at a gas station....while the other three went in to go to the bathroom...I went on a search for the smell....I carefully lifted the cooler....and the carpet underneath was bone dry....not even a drip.....then....then it happened.  I opened the cooler and that smell was everywhere.  I stood beside the van, gagging and pumping gas...trying to figure out what was that noxious.   I am sad to say...the culprit was the five dollar wedge of cheese.  I took the bag out of the cooler and threw it into the trash can beside the car.  I then took fabreze and sprayed the van until it was odor free.  When the girls came back to the van....and walked past the garbage can...they all agreed that that was the smell and where it came from...and it was nasty.  I was to embarassed to let them know that it was my fault....and was awfully glad the smell was gone.  Poor Frank...his only souvenir from Frankenmuth was going to have to be a mug with his name on it.  I tried.....but there is only so much of THAT smell I can stand. EEEEWWWWWW!  I am a cheddar kind of those of you out there who like the more fragrant cheeses....this one is for you.  Happy Wednesday!

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