Friday, August 13, 2010

My Mom Is Here!

My Mom is visiting!

She’s here until Tuesday.

She’s already helped me with the plants that the base planted in my yard. One of those plants turned out to be a giant weed. Um, oops. It looked like a regular plant to me. I had been proudly watering it and everything.

Then Mom found out that the base planted a rose bush on top of a thistle.

“Is that bad?” I asked and then thought to myself, “Thistle is a fun word to say.” That’s probably why I suck with plants, because I can’t focus long enough to understand how to take care of them.

(Putting a plant on top of a thistle is not a good thing, FYI. Mom managed to clip it away from the plant.)

She’ll also be a welcome help with Natalie, whose moods can go from this:

To this:

To this:

To this:

To this:

(After rudely eating MY chocolate!)

To this:

Catch my drift?

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