Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another Day Bites the Dust

Day two for the students....but Day one for me.  I was met at my parking space by Danny, the custodian....with a wheelchair.  Hard as I tried to fight him and tell him I was not getting in the thing...the quicker he seemed to hem me up in it.  I quit fighting and he gave me a royal escort to my room.  I had a good day....the ankle and knee only hurt a couple of times.  I used the walker...and stayed off the foot as much as I could.  I was so glad when they day was over...my foot felt like it belonged to Neanderthal man.  It was huge.  I went by the drug store to pick up a perscription....drive through....and then went to see my mom.  The walk from my car to her room was agonizing.  By the time I got to her room....and it literally took me 15 minutes to walk there...I wanted to cry.  Melissa, one of the Adam's staff members...saw that my walker was too short....so she took it while I visited with momma and adjusted it.  I sat and visited for about 20-25 minutes and then made my way back to the car.  Wow...what a difference 3 inches makes.  It only took me 9 minutes to get back to the car.  The ride home was pleasant and I am glad to be resting now.  I have the foot up and am chilling waiting for Frank to get home from a meeting and fix supper.  Ok...so I am going to ride my pity pony a little more.  LOL!  I hope tomorrow goes better as far as my stamina....I was beat by 3:30 today.  Ahhh...those first days of school.  And I wanted to go back to school because why?  Have a great rest of your day and I will see you on Wednesday!  Toodles!

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