Why, go ghost hunting of course!
See, the military base that I live at is supposedly haunted. Countless stories have been written about the ghost activity. I think we even had a ghost team come out a couple times. This base has been around since the 1800s so one can imagine that spirits could be lurking.
I went with my friend Amanda, her mother-in-law, and my niece. Amanda’s mother-in-law knows a lot about ghosts and even had some ghost apps on her iPhone. And yeah, I know people will argue about the validity of those things but I think they’re cool. I’ve always been curious about ghosts and watch many ghost programs on television—though I should probably stay away from those shows with Tom gone and all. He could usually settle me down if I had a freak out (“WHAT’S THAT IN THE CORNER, TOM?” “Um. Our dresser. Go to sleep.”)
First we started off in an area known as Fam Camp. This area is known for the screaming ghost. Sometimes the base cops will get calls about a scream heard in the area and of course they never find a thing.
I know.
I jumped out of Amanda’s van, prepared to...well, I’m not sure what I prepared to see. If a screaming ghost appeared in front of me I’d scream myself and dive back into the van. Then I’d rock back and forth muttering, “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.”
I had my camera and I took a few shots.
Nothing happened.
And nothing happened.
But then Amanda’s mother-in-law picked something up on her ghost app. I guess if a green dot appears it means something is there. And the green dot showed that it was COMING FOR US.
Yes, I backed the crap up.
We drove around to other parts of the base after that. We don’t want Casper in our faces, you see.
I took more photos and sometimes orbs would show up.
Now, I know people will argue that orbs are just dust particles. And this is probably true most of the time. But maybe, just MAYBE, there are instances when orbs mean…well, ghosts.
I got to talk to Tom on Skype later that night and told him about the ghost hunting.
“Now why did you go and do something like that?” he asked. He knows my overactive imagination well. (“What’s THAT then, Tom?” “That would be the laundry basket.”)
“It was cool and it distracted me from missing you,” I explained.
“You’re going to freak out when you go to bed,” Tom warned.
He was wrong.
I didn’t freak out at all.
Of course that was probably because I slept with the hall light on....
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