Saturday, March 3, 2012

You Against Me by Jenny Downham - OPTIONAL

Downham, Jenny You Against Me, pgs. 413. David Fickling Books, 2011. $16.99 Language-R (40 swears, 9 "f" words) Mature Content- PG-13         Mikey's sister claimed that a guy assaulted her. If you are a man, wouldn't you seek revenge? For your sister. Ellie's brother is accused of this offense. Both of their worlds are falling apart, and then their worlds collide.       

This book kept the reader interested and not wanting to put it down. I enjoyed reading it, but I don't think it is one I would read again. This book is rated R for strong language. It also includes sexual content, teen drinking, partying, and drug use. HS - OPTIONAL.  Student Reviewer: CG

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