Monday, March 5, 2012

Microscopes and Saddles

I had everything ready for Tommy’s birthday.

It was hard for him to go to sleep the night before; he was so excited.

When I did get him the next day he was like, “Did I get birthday stuff? Are they downstairs?”

“Oh man, I knew I forgot something!” I joked.

“What?” Tommy looked horrified.

“I’m kidding.”

He was thrilled with everything.

Yup, I got him a microscope. He loves that sort of thing.

I drove him to school with (store bought) cupcakes for his class. Thank goodness his school still allows them. It infuriates me when schools don’t.

When he got home from school we went to Texas Roadhouse, his favorite restaurant.

I had 3 rolls. And 5 sweet teas.

Apparently they dance at Texas Roadhouse now. The waitress, a bubbly twenty-something who seemed to have also had 5 sweet rushed over and was like, “Will you guys DANCE with me?”

I felt like we were on the Yo Gabba Gabba set.

But the kids were all for it.

When the song was over Tommy was like, “I didn’t know what I was doing but it was still so much fun!”

I’m glad he’s not a shy kid like I was. I would have never gone out in front of people and danced at ten.

Natalie, well, she’s still 4 so she’ll do anything in front of people, including having meltdowns that will probably embarrass her when she’s older. Unless she becomes one of the Real Housewives in which case, the meltdowns will continue into her adult life. And that would scare me.

When we were about done with our food the waitress came back with a saddle and some other waiters and was like, “Hop on, birthday boy!” She patted the saddle.

Tommy didn’t even hesitate. He climbed right over me and plopped right down.

They sang Happy Birthday to him and he loved it.

We came home, had cookie cake, and opened more presents. His real cake would come the next day. We had a BBQ and the cake served 24 so we couldn’t have eaten it ourselves. (Well, we COULD have but I’ll be in Hawaii in a couple of weeks and I’d like to be able to fit into my swimsuit..)

(I totally got Tommy the Doggie Doo game. The whole point is to make the dog poop. Naturally, he loved it..)

He was still laughing about Doggie Doo..

(Oh, and here is the cake we had the next day..)

Tommy said it was the best birthday ever.

Of course, he says that EVERY year.

But still.

I’ll take it.

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