Sunday, September 4, 2011

Libre Tea Review and Giveaway! **CLOSED

*Winner posted here**

I’m a big fan of tea.

Sweet, hot, green...I’ll take it practically any way.

So I was thrilled with someone from Libre Tea contacted me about reviewing one of their large tea glasses.

Here is what Libre Tea says about their glasses on the website:

"In the car, on a hike, on your bike, at the office, at a yoga class; wherever you happen to be, take your Libre tea glass with you and enjoy your favourite loose leaf tea.

Attractive, convenient, and ecological — carry it in your backpack or purse and know you are only seconds away from a blissful tea moment of connection and reflection.

Libre™ loose leaf tea glasses are specifically designed for tea ‘on-the-go’ and are made with a built-in stainless-steel filter that keeps tea leaves in the glass and out of your mouth."

Isn’t that fantastic?

I especially loved the cute packaging the glass came in.

And it came with instructions on how to enjoy your tea.

If you still didn’t understand the instructions, there is a demonstration video here.

Making my tea was simple. I just put some loose leaf tea in the bottom, added boiling water and I had delicious tea!

And bonus? The glass is BPA free!

Cleaning the glass was simple as well, which always pleases me.

The folks at Libre Tea are being generous because they’re giving the exact same glass I got (the Libre Tea Large) to a lucky reader!

Giveaway Rules

--Must be 18 or older

--Open to readers in the US and Canada

MANDATORY ENTRY: What kind of tea is your favorite?

EXTRA ENTRIES: (Please make each entry separate)

LIKE Libre Tea on Facebook

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SIGN UP for Libre Tea’s newsletter on their website and receive a free iced tea recipe booklet

Also, PLEASE have your e-mail address attached to your blog. If not, please leave it in your entry.

Contest will run until September 10th.

Good luck!

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