Saturday, February 12, 2011

Project 365 - Week 7

Wow what a week.  I have been so excited all week because I knew that this weekend I would be getting a new camera.  Woooo hooooo.  Next week I hope you see some improvement in the quality.  Sara is our host for Project 365 and if you want to see some really awesome pictures then hop over to her sight and check out the other participants.  There are some amazing amateur/professional photographers participating.

Sunday I stopped by Mary's house to take a picture of her new rat terrior puppy.  Is she not the cutest thing?  Aubry CC is her name.  I can't remember what the two C's stand for.  The first picture is with the camera at my waist level sitting on the coffee table....the other two are from the coffee table at face level...and yes, she is one tiny little pup.  Mary has a video of her eating, and when she dips down to get the food her back legs both come off the is sort of like she has helium in her little rear end.  Aubrey really is about the size of a gerbil right now and won't get much bigger.
Between my house and school there is a section of woods that has always intrigued me.  I saw this chimney the other day and had to get it.  The weeds kind of remind me of fire.  I am going to take this picture again next week with my new camera and zoom lens.  I hope you see a marked difference.

Right as you come into Roanoke there is a series of houses that I love.  These two are probably my favorites.  I thought I would share them with you this week and see if you like them as much as I do.  At Christmas time they were breathtaking.  Maybe I will shoot them again in December.

The community where we live was established in 1843 and several years ago the community built this lovely sign out of rock from the area.  Frank had never even noticed it until I told him I needed to take a picture of it.  It was one of the pictures I plan to take on my list.  So we drove down to the Mill and took this.  Two hours later it was snowing.

Thursday morning school was delayed until 10.  The teachers had to be there at 9:30.  This picture was made at 6:45 from my back door.  It was cold and white.  What a year this has been in Alabama for weird weather. Today it actually hit 65 and was lovely.  It is almost flip-flop weather so I better be getting a pedicure so I can get my toesies out of these close-toed shoes.

Today was Friday and I am so excited.  I made a button for my blog so be sure and grab it.  It is in the upper right corner.  My good buddy Mary over at Life in a Small Town gave me such great instructions on how to do it I could not fail.  Thanks Mary for everything.  That is what blogging is all about....people sharing.  I love it.  Anyways, I took the churches sign picture today because tomorrow I am going to be very busy.  After we took the picture we went over to Beth and Ron's and went out to dinner with them at T.J. Rockers.  It was a lovely evening.  I love hanging with them.

We got up early this morning to go to the bowling alley and get our Valentines present to each other drilled by Terry May(3rd man from the left).  Frank also got to bowl in the men's bowling tournament.  They don't do things like the women do.  They don't play the National Anthem, they don't pick a theme and dress up, they don't eat....they just bowl....imagine that.   Anyways Frank got to participate for the first time in about 5 years....he has always been working.  While he bowled I ran a few errands and then we came back to Rock Mills for a birthday party at Renee's house.  It was her dad, Glen's, 71st birhtday.  We had some yummy cake and an enjoyable afternoon....and then headed to Newnan, GA for my big prize.  I got a Canon Rebel SX today with an extra 55-200 zoom lens, Photoshop 9, a bag, extra battery and memory card.  I am in heaven.  I cannot wait to start making pictures with it.  I hope you will notice a marked difference.  I came out of Best Buy on cloud 9....and so did Frank.  He got a new laptop.  We were going to have a nice dinner at Olive Garden....but after seeing the lines at all our favorite restaurants....we ended up at IHOP.  Have a wonderful week....and I will see you next Saturday night with more wild and crazy images from Karen's Korner.  Ciao!

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