Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To hate the word “baby bump.” Celebrity columnists seem to love this phrase and it makes me cringe.

To be grateful to the people who offered to send me Dunkaroos, which I can never find over here. It's much appreciated but I guess I'll just cheat and dip graham crackers in frosting like others suggested.

To wonder why people want autographs from the girls on Teen Mom. I came across a blog where the blogger went on about how excited she was to meet Maci and how thrilled she was to get her autograph. Um?

To think it’s cool that Henry Cavill, who played Henry VIII’s best friend Charles in The Tudors, was cast as the new Superman. He wasn’t my eye candy on the show. That award went to Torrance Coombs, who played Thomas Culpepper. Henry is nice to look at but he’s just not my type.

To probably be the only one NOT watching the Super Bowl this weekend. I’m rooting for the Packers, only because I like their uniform colors more. Sorry Steelers fans.

To be ready for the Shamrock Shake to return (it comes out in March!)

To love watching Pawn Stars. I need to check out that shop one of these days.

To be freezing. Our high today is -4. I’m ready for summer.

To hope that Ted Williams, the homeless man with the golden voice, stays on track. He was only in rehab for 12 days before checking himself out.

To be curious on what Alexandra from the Dr. Phil family has to say. She’s apparently on the show this Thursday. Her kids have all been taken away from her since she does drugs and she loves to make excuses for herself.

To let the kids watch The Simpsons. I probably shouldn’t seeing as Natalie goes “d’oh” when she’s frustrated at times and she once went, “Mmmmmm. Donuts.” (Of course she probably learned that from me. I get pretty excited when I see a donut.)

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