Monday, February 28, 2011

Things That Annoy Me

Got things that annoy you? List away! Here are the things that are currently annoying me:

All these award ceremonies for celebrities. It just seems like a waste of money. I get having one or two, but anymore than that is ridiculous.

Dogs that constantly bark. People, if you hear your pet going nuts, bring it in. Sure, it might annoy you inside, but you made the choice to have a pet, therefore you get to listen to it spaz out.

Charlie Sheen.

Parenting magazines. They usually make me feel guilty seeing as my kids watch more than two hours of TV, eat non-organic food, and I buy cleaning products with lots of toxins.

People who write the word “da” for “the.” I see teens do it a lot on Facebook and it makes my head spin. I just want to correct their spelling. Parents, if you see your teen doing this, CORRECT THEM for the love of chocolate.

Cliffhangers at the end of a television series. I’m not patient, I don’t want to have to wait all summer to find out if someone really croaked or not.

Whole grain pasta. It tastes like what I imagine a soggy cardboard box would taste like. Sauce does not help it. Butter does not help it. It’s just bad, bad, bad. I’ll take the real stuff.

Rich people food. I don’t understand it. Everything is tiny and made with funky things like duck eggs. I’m fine with a regular steak and fries.

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