It’s finally back.
After waiting many, many months it has returned.
The Shamrock Shake.
And yes, it warrants being capitalized.
I waited patiently for it.
Actually, wait, no, not patiently. See, McDonalds had promised that they’d have The Shamrock Shake on February 17th. My friend even went out to get us one.
Guess what?
There were no Shamrock Shakes on the 17th. In fact, McDonalds seemed confused on what my friend was even asking from them.
So we had to wait.
And wait.
I’m being dramatic. We didn’t have to wait that long.
By Monday, The Shamrock Shakes were on the menu. When I went to collect my delicious green treat, I said to the worker, “Isn’t it exciting that these are back?”
“Huh?” he blinked at me.
“The Shamrock Shakes. Isn’t it exciting that these are—” He continued to stare blankly at me. “Never mind.”
My Shamrock Shake was amazing. If you’ve never tried one, you must. Unless you don’t like minty goodness. In which case, you’re a weirdo.
I’m kidding. (Sort of.)
So, have you had a Shamrock Shake yet?
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