This is why I was excited when the people at Costume Super Center contacted me and asked if I would review a costume. I debated getting one for myself—then I realized that my kids are cuter on camera and opted to choose something for my daughter. (My son is still in the stage where he just wants pictures of his butt taken.)
There were a lot of girls dress up costumes to choose from. I was impressed with all the choices. Now, most of my bloggers know that I have an infatuation with Henry VIII so I wanted to find a style that reminded me of that era. I found tons of Renaissance costumes on the site so I was pleased.
In the end, I choose this one:
A beautiful Gold & Red Queen Costume.
“Natalie,” I said when it arrived. “Want to play dress up? You can be Princess Elizabeth, Anne Boleyn’s daughter. Do your remember who Anne Boleyn was?”
Natalie nodded and gripped her neck. “Ouch,” was all she’d say.
“Yup. She got her head cut off.” Now that I think about it, I probably shouldn’t have told her that story. But I was reading a biography on Anne Boleyn and Natalie wanted to know what it was about so….I told her. Maybe I should have just said “And Henry and Anne parted ways,” and left it at that. Instead I basically said, “And Anne and her head parted ways…”
I put Natalie in the dress. I instantly loved it.
“All bow to Princess Elizabeth,” I bellowed. “You know Natalie, Princess Elizabeth became a fabulous queen. She—”
“My name is Natalie!” Natalie snapped.
“Yes, I know, we’re just pretending.”
“Call me NATALIE! Princess NATALIE!”
Fine. Excuse me.
Another thing Natalie liked about the costume? It came with the crown and scepter. A lot of costumes you have to buy those separate. Natalie kept using the scepter as a magic wand.
“I turn you into a frog,” she told me primly.
“Okay. But who is going to make dinner tonight then?” I wanted to know.
Natalie ignored me. If she had her way, the following things would have been turned into a frog: me, our house, my car, the grass, the neighbor’s dog…
I gave Natalie a special book to flip through. I felt it was fitting.
Natalie read all about beheadings, and dying from childbirth and more beheadings…
She’s all, “Holy crap, Henry keeps thinking that he’s in love and then it ALL GOES TERRIBLY WRONG!”
After some light reading, I tried to teach her to curtsy.
“Wouldn’t it be fun to curtsy to your mother?” I asked her.
“I don’t like to curtsy,” she informed me. “And call me Your Majesty.”
Oops. It’s all gone to her head.
**I did not get any monetary compensation for this review I was just supplied with the costume. The opinions are my own.**
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