One of my all time favorite comedians is Bill Engvall. I became aware of him shortly after the debut of his "Here's Your Sign" album. I laughed myself silly over that one. "Here’s Your Sign" was the debut comedy album of Bill Engvall. It was recorded at Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle in Royal Oak, MI. After years of success doing different comedic acts, Engvall released a CD of his material, including his most famous bit (which his debut album was named after). After peaking within the top-5 on both the Heatseekers and Hot Country Albums charts, as well as the top-50 on the Billboard 200, Engvall saw his career take off as he remains one of the most popular comedians of the past decade. If you are not aware of the "Here's Your Sign" scenario it is an umbrella term for a recurring setup of Engvall's, in which Engvall describes people who ask questions to which the answers should be obvious, and in the process, Engvall shows these people to be stupid. With the tag, "Here's Your Sign", Engvall then metaphorically gives these people a sign declaring their stupidity as a warning to others interacting with this person. You got to love it.
1. My all time favorite one is about a truck driver who gets stuck under a bridge....a state trooper comes up and asks him if he is stuck. The truck driver is thinking fast and his response is, "No sir, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas." Here is Your Sign!
2. My mother actually handed a bank teller at her bank a withdrawal slip for $400.00 She asked for large bills. The teller looked at her and said "I'm sorry but all our bills are the same size. Here's Your Sign.
3. I read about a husband and wife who arrived at an automobile dealership to pick up their car, they were told the keys had been locked in it. They went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver side door. As the woman watched from the passenger side, she instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked. 'Hey,' she announced to the technician, 'it's open!' His reply: 'I know. I already got that side.' Here is Your Sign!
4. A couple had to have the garage door repaired. The repairman told them that one of their problems was that they did not have a 'large' enough motor on the opener. The husband thought for a minute, and said that they had the largest one Sears made at that time, a 1/2 horsepower. the repairman shook his head and said, 'sir, you need a 1/4 horsepower.' the husband responded that 1/2 was larger than 1/4. The repairman said, 'NO, it's not..' Four is larger than two.' Here is Definitely Your Sign! Even I can do that math.
5. A driving aged daughter went to a local Taco Bell and ordered a taco. She asked the person behind the counter for 'minimal lettuce.' He said he was sorry, but they only had iceburg lettuce. Oh come on! Here's Your Sign!
6. This one actually happened to me. I was at the airport, checking in at the gate when an airport employee asked, 'Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?' To which I sarcastically replied, 'If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?' He smiled knowingly and nodded, 'That's why we ask.' Here's Your Sign!
7. I work with an individual who plugged her power strip back into itself and for the sake of her life, couldn't understand why her system would not turn on. Here's Your Sign
I hope I brought a little humor to your Monday. If you are bored and need a little more to laugh at....go and check out Bill Engvall on You Tube. I promise you it will make your day. Happy Monday!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Things That Annoy Me
Got things that annoy you? List away! Here are the things that are currently annoying me:
All these award ceremonies for celebrities. It just seems like a waste of money. I get having one or two, but anymore than that is ridiculous.
Dogs that constantly bark. People, if you hear your pet going nuts, bring it in. Sure, it might annoy you inside, but you made the choice to have a pet, therefore you get to listen to it spaz out.
Charlie Sheen.
Parenting magazines. They usually make me feel guilty seeing as my kids watch more than two hours of TV, eat non-organic food, and I buy cleaning products with lots of toxins.
People who write the word “da” for “the.” I see teens do it a lot on Facebook and it makes my head spin. I just want to correct their spelling. Parents, if you see your teen doing this, CORRECT THEM for the love of chocolate.
Cliffhangers at the end of a television series. I’m not patient, I don’t want to have to wait all summer to find out if someone really croaked or not.
Whole grain pasta. It tastes like what I imagine a soggy cardboard box would taste like. Sauce does not help it. Butter does not help it. It’s just bad, bad, bad. I’ll take the real stuff.
Rich people food. I don’t understand it. Everything is tiny and made with funky things like duck eggs. I’m fine with a regular steak and fries.
All these award ceremonies for celebrities. It just seems like a waste of money. I get having one or two, but anymore than that is ridiculous.
Dogs that constantly bark. People, if you hear your pet going nuts, bring it in. Sure, it might annoy you inside, but you made the choice to have a pet, therefore you get to listen to it spaz out.
Charlie Sheen.
Parenting magazines. They usually make me feel guilty seeing as my kids watch more than two hours of TV, eat non-organic food, and I buy cleaning products with lots of toxins.
People who write the word “da” for “the.” I see teens do it a lot on Facebook and it makes my head spin. I just want to correct their spelling. Parents, if you see your teen doing this, CORRECT THEM for the love of chocolate.
Cliffhangers at the end of a television series. I’m not patient, I don’t want to have to wait all summer to find out if someone really croaked or not.
Whole grain pasta. It tastes like what I imagine a soggy cardboard box would taste like. Sauce does not help it. Butter does not help it. It’s just bad, bad, bad. I’ll take the real stuff.
Rich people food. I don’t understand it. Everything is tiny and made with funky things like duck eggs. I’m fine with a regular steak and fries.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Hats, Hats, Hats - Headwear in the American Colonial Era 1770-1779
1770 John Durand (Amreican Colonial Era painter, fl 1765-1782) Mrs John Lothrop
1770 Daniel Hendrickson (American Colonial Era artist, 1723-1788) Catharine Hendrickson
1770 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Relief Dowse Mrs Michael Gill
1770 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815)
1770 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Mrs James Russell Katherine Graves
1770 Winthrop Chandler (American Colonial Era artist, 1747-1790) Martha Lathrop Devotion
1770-73 Henry Benbridge (American Colonial Era painter, 1743-1812) Mrs Clark of Haddonfield, NJ
1770-75 Winthrop Chandler (American Colonial Era artist, 1747-1790) Mrs. Levi Willard (Catherine Chandler)
1770s Charles Willson Peale (American Colonial Era artist, 1741-1827) Mrs Robert Morris
1770s Charles Willson Peale (American Colonial Era artist, 1741-1827) Julie Stockton
1770s Matthew Pratt (American Colonial Era Painter, 1734-1805) Lucy Randolph Burwell
1771 Charles Willson Peale (American Colonial Era artist, 1741-1827) Margaret Strachan (Mrs Thoas Harwood)
1771 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Mrs. Humphrey Devereux (Mary Charnock)
1771 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Mrs. Paul Richard (Elizabeth Garland)
1771 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Mrs Ezekiel Goldthwait Elizabeth Lewis
1771 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Mrs. Thomas Gage (Margaret Kemble)
1771-76 Henry Benbridge (American Colonial Era painter, 1743-1812) Mrs Benjamin Simons
1772 Charles Willson Peale (American Colonial Era artist, 1741-1827) Mrs John Dickinson
1772 Cosmo Alexander (American Colonial Era artist, 1724-1772). Mary Jemima Balfour, Mrs James Balfour
1772 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Dorothy Quincy Mrs. John Hancock
1772 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Dorothy Wendell Mrs Richard Skinner
1772 Winthrop Chandler (American Colonial Era artist, 1747-1790) Eunice Huntington Devotion Lyman
1773 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Mrs John Winthrop
1773 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Mrs Thomas Miffin (Sarah Morris)
1773 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Mrs Moses Gill Rebecca Boylston
1773 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815)
1774 Ralph Earl (American Colonial Era artist, 1751-1801) Mrs Adam Babcock
1774 Ralph Earl (American Colonial Era artist, 1751-1801) Mrs Henry Daggett Elizabeth Prescott
1775 Gilbert Stuart (American Colonial Era artist, 1755-1828) Sarah Rivera Lopez Mrs Aaron Lopez
1775 Charles Willson Peale (American Colonial Era artist, 1741-1827) Mrs James Smith
1775 John Singleton Copley (American Colonial Era artist, 1738-1815) Mrs. Ralph Izard Alice Delancey
1776 Charles Willson Peale (American artist, 1741-1827) Mrs James Latimer
1779 Ralph Earl (American artist, 1751-1801) Mary Ann Carpenter Mrs Thompson Foster
1779 Ralph Earl (American artist, 1751-1801) Mrs. Oliver Wolcott (Laura Collins).

Project 365 - Week 9
It is that time of week again and I am excited about posting my pictures this week. I can't believe that I have actually stayed with this. I am beginning to feel like a day without pictures is like a day without sunshine. I have to admit I have had a ball snapping pictures this week. If you would like to see some of the other contributions head over to Sara's blog and see some truly amazing photographers in action.
Sunday I got around to opening mail from Saturday and found a lovely surprise. There was a card from my blogging friend, Jeannie. I love her cards and this one was a real treat and surprise. She makes and sells cards and is currently living in ....get this....Italy. How cool is that? Thanks Jeannie for my special prize! I love it!
Monday I was without a car. My car was leaking brown stuff and I took it to S & S to see what was wrong. They had to order a part so I was without a car all day Monday. As most of you know I spend the night with Mary L. on Monday's and we go to Bible Study....she got caught up in the P365 idea with me and we lucked up on this amazing sunset. It was made in the cemetary where my dad is buried. We both loved the lining look of the clouds. Talk about a message from God.
On our way back to the car I saw this little bird's nest and just had to catch it too. The sky was so blue today and the sun felt heavenly on my neck and shoulders.
Sunday, February 20th
Sunday I got around to opening mail from Saturday and found a lovely surprise. There was a card from my blogging friend, Jeannie. I love her cards and this one was a real treat and surprise. She makes and sells cards and is currently living in ....get this....Italy. How cool is that? Thanks Jeannie for my special prize! I love it!
Monday, February 21st
Tuesday, February 22nd
On Hwy 431 between Roanoke and Ruth is a Tater House. I have been fascinated by this place since we moved to Roanoke and so Tuesday as Frank and I headed home we stopped and I got it on film. I don't exactly know what a tater house is....but it is definitely a conversation piece.
Wednesday, February 23rd
This church is on Hwy 22 and I pass it ever day. I have never seen a sign telling me what church it is....but I love the jut out in the back part of the church...or is that the front?...and the bell in the steeple was actually ringing when I stopped. I can imagine a pulpit area in the alcove....or perhaps a sweet little choir loft. I wonder, because of the positioning of the church, if at one time the road ran a different way? So many questions. I have a thing about the positioning and fung shei of buildings. I can't imagine why this church was not built facing the would have been a lot more inviting.
Thursday, February 24th
Down Hwy 63 South, just a few minutes from Alexander City, AL, is one of the best known monuments of our area....Kowliga, the wooden Indian(song written by Hank Williams while visiting the lake). Kowliga used to sit outside a small store just over the bridge, then at a restaurant next door. Vandals hurt him several times and he was redone and sits outside of Sinclair's restaurant now and housed in a plexiglass box.
This is the current bridge. The weather was getting nasty and you can tell by the aqua color of the water and the gray of the skies. Just under the bridge is the house that Winton Blount and his family used for many years. They always put on the greatest firework show on the 4th of July. Now that is done at the Lake Martin Ampitheater by Russell Lands.
Right across the road from where Kowliga sits is the Church in the Pines. It is used in the summer for services and the pulpit is filled by visiting pastors or all demoninations. It is also used in warm weather for weddings. It is absolutely breathtaking to sit in the pews and see the gorgeous water off to the left. This is such a peaceful place.
Friday, February 25th
I cross the Tallapoosa River every day on Hwy 22 in Wadley, AL. I have wanted to get this shot a hundred times but traffic has kept me from stopping. Friday as I crossed the bridge, the sun was gorgeous and lo and behold there was nothing behind me or coming at me so I stopped right in the middle of the bridge and caught this shot.Saturday, February 26th
Saturday, Frank and I went to Auburn to meet Kat for lunch. We were a good bit early and decided to use the time for some photo ops. The three above pictures are of Toomer's Corner. The two trees are the ones that made national news in the past few weeks when the disgruntled fan (from a school which shall remain nameless) poisoned the trees. The trees are dying. The end of a tradition. It has been quite sad that some idiot would go so far as to kill two harmless trees. What saddens me most is that a rivalry got to that point. It is just a game....or have we forgotten that.
Sanford Hall and one of the most photographed spots on campus.
Before Auburn was was Alabama Poly Technic Institute. Frank and I found a cornerstone on campus that I did not even know was there. Beside the cornerstone was a giant lathe that was found buried in the ground and donated to the Institute. It was quite a history lesson today.
On our way back to the car I saw this little bird's nest and just had to catch it too. The sky was so blue today and the sun felt heavenly on my neck and shoulders.
We met Kat, Charlie, Savanna at Laredo's for lunch. Mr. Charlie was so entertaining at the table. He is only six months old but has the facial expressions of an adult. He was delightful. Thanks Kat for sharing Savannah and Charlie with us. It was a blast.
When we got home from Auburn we went to the church to do the bulletin and sign for today. This one is a bit controversial according to thoughts....if it bothers you....then God is saying something to you.
Hope you have a great week and I will see you at the end of week 10 right here on Project 365. Ciao!
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