Sunday, March 24, 2013

Project 365 - Week 12

It is hard to believe that we are 12 weeks into 2013.  Time really seems to fly when you get a little age on you.  I will be celebrating my 59th birthday on April 15th.  That is just one year away from 60.  Wow...when did I get to be my mom's age?  Fran is our hostess on Project 365.  I hope you will hop over and see what everyone has been seeing through the eye of a camera for the past week.  I am running a bit late with my post this week because it is Spring Break and I am being a lazy bum (not really.  I am working on taxes.)  So here is what my week has looked like.

Sunday, March 17th
Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Did you wear something green?  I did.  I did not want to get pinched by the little munchkins at church today.

Monday, March 18th

It does not feel like spring here but at least it is beginning to look a little like Spring.
Tuesday, March 19th
Today is my cousin Judy's birthday and would have been my parent's 60th wedding anniversary. 
One of our church members made this picture at Christmas time and I misplaced it.  Found it and thought I would share.  The pretty girl is my sweet Jessica.  We live in their front yard....sort of.  They live behind us and there is a road between the two houses.  I adore this young lady.  She has such a sweet personality.  Thank you Mrs. Sherry for the picture.
Wednesday, March 20th
My daughter Kat took this picture and made this framed piece for my mom.  I have had her on my mind a lot lately and had to share it with you."  Kat is so creative and I love getting gifts from her that she made.
Thursday, March 21st
"Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see." Hebrews 11:1
Friday, March 22nd

Spring Break officially kicks off at 3:14 today. "Let the Good Times Roll.  A duck and a turkey hen from Kimble's yard.  I took them from the car....have you ever been flogged by a duck.  I have and it is not fun.
Saturday, March 23rd

My aunt Wanda's mom died yesterday and Amanda and I went to Eufaula today to be with the family.  I could not believe my eyes when we got out of the car at the funeral home and there were azalea's blooming.  The bush was bursting with the pretty pink blooms and I was delighted.  Ours do not even have leaves on them yet.  The first weekend in April is the Pilgrimage of Homes in Eufaula.  If you are ever looking for something fun to do then you must come and do this.  The Shorter mansion is spectacular.  Frank was at school and so tonight Amanda, Johnna, and I went to the auction at Standing Rock.  Frank joined us there about 7ish.  I bought two chairs for the parsonage and a sterling silver bracelet. (My chairs are the two wing back on the far left of the picture).  They are gorgeous and I am happy, happy, happy.
Amanda and Johnna came home with some cool stuff too.  I can't wait til the April Auction I have already found some stuff I want.  If you live close enough to come and want to check out what it on the block then go to and type in #31043.  I would love to see you there.  Wayne and Amy and the Dollars are great friends of ours.  Have a wonderful Holy Week (and Spring Break).

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