Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happy Sixth Birthday, Natalie!

Happy Birthday, Natalie!

You’re six!

It hasn’t always been a smooth six years.

You were sort of an, erm, cranky baby.

You didn’t like your bunny hat.

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You didn’t like your pink hat.

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You didn’t like your car seat.

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You didn’t like your bouncer.

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You didn’t like if I tried to intrude on Daddy time.

You didn’t like not being able to get over the gate.

You didn’t like your first birthday cake and was insulted that it got all over you.

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You also started to climb out of your crib at a year and a half. Even on the lowest setting.

You kept us busy on a daily basis.

But your days weren't always filled with tears.

You let me dress you up.

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You are a ball of energy.

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You love your Disney Princesses:

You walk in heels better than I do.

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You love your brother.

It's been a fun six years.

Happy Birthday, Natalie.

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