Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy Birthday My Ramona!

Tomorrow is Ramona's birthday and I want to get a jump start and let her know "Happy Birthday" early.  Ramona is Amanda's oldest child and the mother of Drew man and Will, wife of Dustin.  She has always been someone very special to me.   From the day she arrived I have felt a kinship with her.  She is smart, fiesty, talented, opinionated(all the Prophitt women are), loving, kind, and would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it.  She is my kind of girl.  So, since tomorrow is a special day for a special person I want you to get to know her too.
 Ramona and her brother David.  She has always had a glorious crown of hair.  I am envious!
Easter at Granny's

Let me tell you....who could resist this face.  I never could.

Look at that hair.  Her hair is amazing!

My Kathryn, Ramona, and Missi's Mandy at Uncle Larry's house in Dothan.
Mother and Daughter

 Hoover Dam
Ready to face the Pacific Northwest in 19 days.  Heading West!
We have traveled together, grown up together, fought, loved, sang, ....being part of this family has been amazing.  Ramona is an amazing mom, loving and devoted wife, and one of my favoritest people in the world.  Happy Birthday My Ramona!  Hope it is a great one. 

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