Saturday, March 9, 2013

Go See The Croods #Giveaway! *CLOSED

**CLOSED! Winner posted here**

I cracked up when I saw the preview. The woman was excited about getting shoes and then she freaked out because she didn’t know where her feet went.

“We need to see that!” I told my husband.

The Croods looks like it will be a hilarious movie for the family. Mind you, I am picky about what children’s movies I’ll sit through. Some are awful and I refuse. But this one looks amusing.

The Croods is about the world's first family who embark on a journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always shielded them from danger is destroyed. Traveling across a spectacular landscape, the Croods discover an incredible new world. The movie stars the voices of Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, and Nicolas Cage.

Here’s a preview:

It comes out on Friday, March 22nd.

A lucky reader will receive a plushie of Belt, the sloth who hangs around Guy, the caveboy voiced by Ryan Reynolds along with a poster for the movie.

Giveaway Rules

--Must be 18 or older

--Must live in the US

--NO PO Boxes

Mandatory Entry: LIKE The Croods on Facebook

Extra Entries:

FOLLOW DWAnimation on Twitter. (Stands from Dreamwork Animation who made The Croods.)

TWEET about the giveaway using #TheCroods

I will run this contest until March 23rd. If your e-mail address is not linked up to your blog, PLEASE include it in your comment.

Good luck!

**I received a poster and plush toy as compensation for this post. All opinions are my own.

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