Tom chuckled. We were on a date and we were about to see Olympus Has Fallen.
In recliners.
We didn’t have to deal with those regular seats with no heater and no recliners. We didn’t have to worry about parents deciding that it was totally appropriate for their young child to sit through a movie.
“And we get FOOD!” I continued, grabbing the menu.
We were at a theater called The Warren. You can pay extra to have a recliner seat and have food delivered to you. Tom and I usually sit in the balconies, which is exactly what it sounds like—only in that case, you’re still sharing the theater with people down below who think it’s okay to make noises and bring their toddlers to adult movies. In the Director’s Suite (what our room is called) you get your own room. (And your own WAITING room while you sit and mingle while the room is being cleaned.)

Ahh, bliss.
We ordered cheese fries, which are amazing. They aren’t fries covered with that fake orangy cheese. No, it’s real cheese melted on top, as well as bacon crumbles and chives. Plus you get free refills on drinks.
Yes, the price is $22 a seat—but if you go once in awhile, like we do, it’s worth it.
Here is Tom stretched out. Not the best picture because I think he was embarrassed that I was taking photos. But, well, they were fancy seats man.

“Just think, Jay Z probably watches movies like this on a daily basis. In his HOUSE!” I said, astonished.
Oh, to be rich....
And the movie? Olympus Has Fallen? Was actually not that bad. Sometimes I’m not sure about action movies. For instance, I refuse to watch the Die Hard ones. Or GI Joe. I don’t care that someone has amazing abs. I wouldn’t enjoy it.
But Olympus Has Fallen was good. I was entertained on the gigantic screen.
And warm. I tend to get chilled in movie theaters but with the seat warmer, I was toasty.
So if your movie theater has seats like the ones I described, I highly recommend splurging and experiencing them.
Your warm butt will thank you.
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