Saturday, March 16, 2013

Safe Haven

I love to read Nicholas Sparks.  He has been one of my favorite authors for a number of years.  It always seems that when I am at a low point in my life a new book will be released and I will read it and learn a valuable lesson from it.  When I left my husband...I read Message in a Bottle (on my way to Los Angeles).  I had two layovers and finished the book just as the wheels touched down at LAX.  I upset the woman sitting next to me....because my face was wet with tears that I had cried and never even realized I was crying.  While in LA I managed to get a bottle, put a note in it, and threw it off the rocks at Rincon.  As I threw the bottle from the rocks I cried.  That was 1998.  By the time The Notebook had come out my mom had Alzheimers and my dad was a note writer.  Every day if he left her alone he would write her little notes letting her know when he would return, tell her he loved her, and anything else he felt she needed to know.  I own a copy of this movie.  When I want to feel my parent's....I watch it.  Usually it is when Frank is away at school.  I think my reaction to this movie upsets him a bit.  I have loved all the books....and the movies that came from them....but I think I have a new most favorite.
This afternoon Beth, Renee and I had a rare girl's night out and went to LaGrange to see the movie Safe Haven. It is a Nicholas Sparks book made into a movie so I knew I was going to love it.  I also knew it would be sad and that I would cry.  The movie is about a young woman with a mysterious past who finds herself in Southport, North Carolina where her bond with a widower and his two children forces her to confront the dark secret that haunts her.  The movie was spell binding with the sinister element reaching into her new charming life.  Her friend Jo, the handsome young widower, her boss at Ivan's all come to the aid of the quiet, scared young woman who appears out of nowhere.  As we set there in the dark of the theater I could feel the waterworks building behind my eyes.  I shifted away from the group I was with so they would not see me crying.....only to find out at the end of the movie that they too were wet faced.  The movie is touching, funny, dramatic, romantic....the perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon.  I don't want to blow the movie for you.....but it is a must see.  Are you still here?  Grab a girl friend and get on over to the theater and watch this!

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