Sunday, December 11, 2011

Project 365 - Week 50

I cannot believe that there are so few weeks left in this year.  It has been quite a year and I will actually be glad to see it end.  I have enjoyed taking pictures of my year and I have really enjoyed seeing everyone else's pictures.  I look forward to seeing them each week.  Want to join in and see some other photographs then head over to Sara's blog, she is the hostess with the mostest.

 Sunday, December 4th
On my way to Amanda's to go the a funeral I passed this cute little donkey.

Monday, December 5th
Holly from Marian's yard in Daviston.

Tuesday, December 6th

Tuesday night was Kat's cookie swap party.  I went this year for the first time ever and had a wonderful time.  It was such a festive night.

Wednesday, December 7th

Bill has really been working hard getting the Christmas decorations up.  I stopped by there to see Mary today.  She had really declined since Monday.

Thursday, December 8th

I was back at Mary's again today.  Bill called around 5:15 in the morning and told me Mary had died earlier.

Friday, December 9th
I finally put up my tree.  The jar holds some of my most treasured ornaments.  These ornaments were on my tree when I was a little girl.

Saturday, December 10th 
I love ornaments and can tell you the story about every single one I have.
Rainbow Row ornament that is a reminder of when Frank and I first met.  It is one of my favorite places in Charleston.

 My lovely Mary angel ornament.   Mary gave her to me about five years ago for Christmas.  Is she not beautiful?
This dove was given to Frank when he worked at First Church.

 The Nativity made in Townsend, TN and given to us by Chuck and Susan last year.
On one of my very first Christamases in Alabama my friend Susan gave me this ornament.  I think she even made it.  She was always an amazing crafty person.

Frank's work ladder ornament.  I gave it to him in 2009.

The two bells are remnant ornaments that were mine when I was a child.  

Terry giving Jax a guitar lesson at Amanda's Open House.

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