Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up!


To have really liked Branson, Missouri. The only thing that bugged me was the traffic and the fact that people could smoke in restaurants.

To need to wrap most presents so I’m not doing them all the night before. I’ve done this before. Not fun.

To be glad that Max the Cat only left us one hairball when we went to Missouri. He tends to barf when he’s nervous.

To be excited over the new Men in Black 3 movie. The trailer was just released! (And I was in New York when it was being filmed there!)

To be thankful that Jennifer and Mindy (in the wedding attendance!) took tons of wedding pictures.

To love the regular peppermint candy canes. There are so many flavors these days but peppermint is still my favorite.

To think I am getting sick. I was up on and off since 1 with an upset stomach. Does anyone else cry when they vomit or is it just me? That being said, if I'm not better, there might not be an entry tomorrow. If there isn't, it means I've vomited. And I'm crying.

To think it's sad that Michelle Duggar had a miscarraige. It's a shame people are saying she deserved it and that it's God's way of saying she shouldn't have anymore kids. No one deserves that heartbreak.

To want to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie. I think Tom and I will be able to see it since Tom's Mom is here for Christmas. I'm just as excited over the nachos and movie theater popcorn.

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