Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Dear Letters: Vow Renewal

As most of my readers know, I’m renewing my vows on Saturday. We’ll be married 10 years on December 10th. We leave TODAY! We’re getting married at the Titanic museum and are leaving early just to get settled and so we have time to explore the area.

So I decided to do Vow Renewal My Dear Letters! I probably won’t be updating my blog tomorrow since we’ll be busy. But follow me on Twitter to find out what all is happening!


Dear Natalie,

No, you cannot wear a wedding dress. I’m wearing a wedding dress. You’ll be in a pretty blue dress. I promise, it’s just as lovely. Stop pouting.



Dear Tommy,

For Heaven’s sake, you only have to wear the nice shoes for a couple of hours. They might pinch your feet but think how MY feet are going to feel in heels. I’d much rather wear your shoes.



Dear Wedding Dress,

Please zip up. I’ve been indulging in some holiday sweets but for the love of all things sacred, PLEASE ZIP UP!



Dear Tom,

Yes, I probably WILL cry when we say our vows. Just like I cried the first time. I know you think this is amusing. I wish I didn’t cry because I am an ugly crier. Please pardon my snot bubbles.



Dear Six Hour Car Ride To Vow Renewal

Please go quickly. I tend to get bored. Thank goodness I have tons of Us Weeklys and People Magazines to keep me occupied. I get to learn all about how the Kardashians claim they work hard and aren't just famous to be famous, who Mel Gibson is shouting at this week, and where the Jolie/Pitt family is taking their kids today (don't they get jet lag?)


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