Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Possess by Gretchen McNeil - OPTIONAL

McNeil, Gretchen Possess, 379 pgs. Balzer + Bray, 2011. Language – R (126 swears, 2 “f”), Sexual Content – PG-13; Violence – PG-13; Bridget isn’t your normal high school girl. Bridget has only three friends, wears steel-toed boots with her uniform, and banishes demons plaguing her town. Unfortunately for her, this only causes stress and confusion. While her priest mentor tells her not to listen to the demons, they warn Bridget to not trust the priest. Who can she turn to for help? While being very intense and mysterious, I also found that it was confusing which made it hard to read. Thankfully, made sense in the end. Also the language and sexual content made me uncomfortable at times. HS – OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH

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