Thursday, December 8, 2011

Finding Somewhere by Joseph Monninger - ESSENTIAL

Monninger, Joseph Finding Somewhere, 224 p. Delacorte (Random), 2011.  $18.  Content: G.  Hattie’s favorite horse, Speed, is about to be “put down” and she can’t stand the thought of him dying without a chance to ever be a real horse – not just a kiddie party fixture.  Together, she and her friend Delores, who has her own motives and plans, steal Speed and set off from New Hampshire to set Speed free on the range lands in Wyoming.  Whether they will ever actually arrive, is of course, debatable.  As they rush to save Speed, they may just also save themselves.  I try not to gush too much about books, but I really found this one beautiful.  Unlike most modern teen road trip books, this one does not involve drugs, alcohol and sex.  Instead, it is the heart that is the main focus.  I had fond thoughts of Walk Two Moons, though the two books are really not the same in plot at all – but the spirit is.  Share this one with confidence.  MS – ESSENTIAL.  HS – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library Teacher

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