Monday, December 12, 2011

Frost by Marianna Baer - OPTIONAL

Baer, Marianna Frost, 402 pgs. Balzer + Bray, 2011. Language – R (107 swears, 9 “f”), Sexual Content – PG-13; Violence – PG; Leena has been looking forward to senior year all summer long, and when she ends up in the dorm she wanted she’s really excited. But she has a weird roommate and can’t get along with her best friends as well as they use to. Leena’s life is falling apart, but if she stays in her closet where everything feels okay, will she really be okay? This is a very odd book. The whole story was weird and it tried too hard to be suspenseful and then didn’t fully end. It was way too slow for me and when it finally got to the interesting part, it freaked me out. HS – OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH

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