Monday, December 19, 2011

OOOOPS! Wrong Church!

Have I got a great story for you all today.  Most of you know that Frank preaches at Rock Mills UMC and we share a parking lot with Rock Mills Baptist Church.  The Baptist Church is the first church you come to when you come down Hwy 22 heading East.  Yesterday, Amanda and I were singing at our church.  She was supposed to be there at 10:45 my time(Central time).  She lives on Eastern time so we always make sure to let the other one know which one of the time zones we are talking about.  At 10:58 Amanda was no where to be found.  I could not get her on neither her house phone nor cell phone.  I was a bit concerned.  At 11:03 Amanda came in and told me she had been next door at the Baptist church for the past 30 minutes.  She asked me, "didn't you see my car in the parking lot?"  I replied, "No, because I was not looking for it in the Baptist side."  She said she had talked with some of the members, had her guitar, and it was not until she saw the Baptist Hymnal that she realized she was in the wrong place!  She made a hasty retreat and we sang on time at the METHODIST church. When she left I walked her to her car in the Baptist Church part of the parking lot.  They were getting out too and several of them came over....including their pastor....and we all had a good laugh at the mix-up.  We did get a singing invitation to come back at another time and sing for them.  We promised we would.  The pastor then told us of a time when he was preaching a revival and went to the wrong church.  One of the members told of a time he went to a funeral at the wrong church.  I love stories about these unexpected life events.  Thanks A for giving me a great story to tell.  I will definitely add it to our unforgettable wedding tales.  We have some doozies don't we?

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