Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dashing Through the Snow Hodgepodge - Vol 57

Welcome to the Wednesday glad you took the time to stop by and leave me a comment. It is not too late to be part of this so just head over to Joyce's blog and leave her your link so we can all come and visit you.  Remember sure to add your link at the bottom of her post and in the spirit of Christmas go visit around and leave some comment love. Here are my answers for week 57-
1. Do you put Christmas decorations in every room of your house? If not, what rooms do you decorate?  I have gone all out in the past.  Last year there was a decorated tree in every single room.  This year it is pretty much limited to the living room where the one and only tree is standing.  I have put a small tree 12 inch metal tree in the guest bathroom.  My dining room has a centerpiece and a glass jar of balls.  

2. If you could visit one of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) which one would you choose and why?  I am not going to lie.  I would like to go to all of them.....but since I have to choose I would love to do to Denmark.  I would love to see the scenery, eat the food, listen to the music,  and take pictures.

3. What does the word faith mean to you?  Faith is what allows there to be humor in the presence of someone dying.  Faith is what gets you through the really tough times.  Faith is knowing that the chair I am about to sit in is going to hold me up.  Faith is what has gotten me through the last two years.  I cannot imagine how someone who has no faith deals with death.  Faith is knowing it is well with my soul.

4. You can go back to your childhood for one day...what day and age would you choose?
January 5th, 1963 and I was 8 years old at the time.  If I could go back I would stay in our back yard with my brother so he would not have died.

5. When did you last have 'punch'? If its not too much trouble share your favorite punch recipe.
The first one was at Kat's Cookie Swap - this punch was simple - She used Cranberry Sierra Mist, limes, and crushed ice.  It was yummo.  The Cranberry Sierra Mist is least it is around here.  The second one was at Amanda's Open House last Saturday night.  I am not a big punch drinker but this stuff was amazing.  
Banana Punch
6 large rip bananas, 3 1/4 cups sugar, 5 T lemon juice, 12 oz can frozen orange juice thawed, 1/2 can of Dole pineapple juice, Water to fill, Ginger ale.
Directions:  Break up bananas in small pieces and place into a food processor with sugar and lemon juice.  Blend until the lumps are gone.  Add thawed orange juice and pineapple juice and blend well.  Pour this mixture into a gallon container and finish filling the container with water.  Stir well and freeze.  When ready to use, take out of freezer and thaw until slushy.  Add equal parts of mix and ginger ale when service in a punch bowl over crushed ice.  Will keep months in the freezer.  If too sweet, add more ginger ale.

6. Do you fill stockings at your house? Are stockings opened before or after the bigger gifts?
I did when my kids were little.  It was fun then.  I haven't since Kat and Brian got married.  

7.  What takes your breath away?  Newborn babies, awesome views where you have no doubt that God is there, squalls before a storm at sea, sunsets and sunrises.

8. Insert your own random thought here. - Mine for today is:  When do you take down your Christmas tree?  Usually it is around January 6th for me.  I wait for Epiphany.  That is when my mom always took hers down....and it stuck.  Now let me hear what your tradition is.  Happy Wednesday!

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