Friday, December 30, 2011

I Resolve To Not...

It’s sort of become a tradition for me to list things that I resolve NOT to do before New Years. It just seems easier seeing as most people break their resolutions after a day. Or two.

So here are some things that I resolve NOT to do…

I resolve to not...stop making fun of Justin Bieber, Twilight, Jersey Shore, etc…it’s just too easy to make a joke about those things.

I resolve to not...let the kids watch Family Guy anymore. It was embarrassing when we went into a store and Natalie was like, “Look! It’s Peter! And Quagmire! Giggity!”

I resolve to not...stop buying Little Debbie snacks. Parenting magazines can keep trying to make me feel guilty about this but it won’t work. Everyone needs an Oatmeal Cream Pie once in awhile. Maybe that’s why some parents are so uptight. They just need some good old fashioned sugar instead of that edamame crap.

I resolve to not...stop cursing on the road. If people would stop driving like idiots, I wouldn’t have to call them foul names.

I resolve to not...stop posting about shows on Facebook. If you don’t want to know the ending of something, STAY OFFLINE until you watch said program. It’s what I do.

I resolve to not...stop going to the gym. I had been going so I could fit into my wedding dress. Now that I no longer need to worry about squeezing into it, I’m not as worried about going. Still. I’ll try and pop in twice per week. Although I might want to avoid doing so the first few weeks of January until the people who resolved to lose weight get bored and stop going and taking over the machines..

I resolve to not...cease calling people who text and drive a danger on the road. They are. They can say, “Oh, I can do both just fine!” until their face turns blue but I know the truth. One day they’ll either kill or injure someone.

See you in 2012!

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