Monday, December 5, 2011

I Chill Easily

“Why does it feel like a sauna in here?” Tom asked, fanning himself with his hand.

I looked up from my iPod Touch. I was in the middle of playing Words with Friends and I was losing horribly. By 200 points.

“I think it feels great,” I answered, surprised.

Tom shook his head. “What do you have the heat set as?” He walked over to check and I held my breath. I knew what was coming. I set my iPod Touch down—there was no way I’d catch up unless I got good letters. I tend to either get all vowels. No vowels. Or Q, X, M, I, and F.

“Holy crap, Amber! 76? Really? No wonder it feels so hot in here!” Tom shouted, coming back into the room.

Since we’re on base housing we don’t have to pay for the heat. This is why I crank it up because yes, I chill easily.

Tom does not.

He’d be fine walking around a home set at 70 degrees.

Meanwhile, I’d be freezing.

True, I could put on a sweater. Or wrap myself up in a blanket. But dangit, I don’t want to.

“I’m lowering it. I’m going to lo—hey!” Tom yelped.

He yelped because I leaped on his back so he couldn’t get to the thermostat.

“I will freeze! Do you want your wife to freeze?” I said dramatically. I slid off his back. “I’ll lower it to 75,” I added generously.

Tom blinked at me.

“74. Final offer,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

Tom rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I’ll just burn to death.”

Okay, NOW who was being overdramatic?

“Well hey,” I said. “Maybe I have it up high so you’ll get nekkid to cool down.”

Tom blinked at me again.

“Like Joey did on Friends….” I trailed off.


It’s still 76 in the house and I love it.

Tom still claims he’s going to melt.

It’s not my fault he has more skin so he can keep warm. He’s 6 foot. I’m 5’3.

I have a feeling he’s going to lower the thermostat one day to see if I’ll notice.

I will.

And then I’ll raise it back up.

He’ll lower it again.

It’ll sort of be like the end of Sleeping Beauty when the fairies are changing Aurora’s dress from blue to pink.

Only in this case, it’ll be 70 to 76.

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