Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Home for Christmas by Jan Brett - ADVISABLE

Brett, Jan Home for Christmas.  Putnam’s (Penguin), 2011.  $18.  PICTURE BOOK.  Content: G.  Rollo Troll is out of control.  He has no desire to use his troll tail by working hard and being kind.  Instead, he would live with owls, bears, otters, a lynx and moose, in order to avoid being helpful.  Until one day, that is, that he smells the aroma of home and realizes that with his family is where he belongs.  Who doesn’t love Jan Brett’s illustrations and stories?  And as a bonus, you can sneak in a secret lesson about the importance of family and kindness.  EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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