Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I have to wear these for the vow renewal.

Some people are probably like, "Yeah. So?"

To which I reply, "I CAN'T WALK VERY WELL IN HEELS!"

Seriously. I teeter back and forth.

During my high school prom, I recall losing my balance and going flying into a wall. (People probably thought I was drunk.)

Let's not forget I'll also be wearing a wedding dress that's not exactly light. So combine heels+a slightly heavy dress and you might get a collapsed Amber.

If this happens, at least it'll be an amusing memory.


Note to self: on the chance I might fall over, make sure I'm wearing cute undies in case my dress somehow flips up.

Also, another note to self: practice walking around in heels before the vow renewal on Saturday. I'll be like those girls on the MTV show Made who are clumsy and awkward and suddenly decide, "Hey. I'd like to be a beauty queen!" so their coach makes them walk in heels the entire day.


That'll be me.

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