Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Death Cure by James Dashner - OPTIONAL

Dashner, James Death Cure, 384 p. Delacorte (RandomHouse), 2011.  $21.  Language: PG (13 swears), Violence: PG-13 (danger, death, blood, fighting).  WICKED is ready to take the chips out of every Glader and return all of their memories.  While Teresa and most of the others are ready to jump in, Thomas is much more skeptical and some of the others follow him.  The Rat Man, as the kids call their WICKED liaison, is determined to force all of them to do exactly what he wants, continuing to manipulate and control as much as he can.  For teens who want action and danger, this book delivers in spades.  Anyone who wants a story and maybe an ending will just have to wait - neither is forthcoming.  It will be popular – and in the future it will still be a good choice for boys with short attention spans.  MS – OPTIONAL. 

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