Saturday, December 31, 2011
RIP Emily Houser
Coming home from Gatlinburg on Thursday I received two pieces of terrible news. The first was from my friend Susan. She called to let me know that her niece, Emily.....was not going to make it. Susan asked for prayer and the group in my car prayed with me as we went down the interstate heading home. Once we got home I thought of times we had visited Chuck and Susan and Emily would be part of the mix. She was such a darling little person with such a big heart and smile. Susan had asked that she not suffer. That was the hardest part of praying....for a child to not suffer any more. I prayed....and I watched for emails and got a couple that said she was showing no brain activity and one that said they were taking her off the tube. That night at 8:24pm Emily Houser went to be with the Lord. She was 14 years old and for the last 5 years of her life has dealt with the side effects of a brain tumor that was removed. She was a gracious, beautiful (inside and out) little girl who delighted in doing for others. God showed His divine mercy by allowing her to go quietly as she slept. She left a huge void in their entire family but especially for her parents and two sisters who are 10 & 11. Please pray for strength and peace for all and celebrate with me that she no longer hurts and is doing things all in heaven that her body would not allow her to do here on earth. A friend of theirs put together a wonderful tribute video I would love to share with you here. RIP little one. You will be sorely missed Emily!
Friday, December 30, 2011
I Resolve To Not...
It’s sort of become a tradition for me to list things that I resolve NOT to do before New Years. It just seems easier seeing as most people break their resolutions after a day. Or two.
So here are some things that I resolve NOT to do…
I resolve to not...stop making fun of Justin Bieber, Twilight, Jersey Shore, etc…it’s just too easy to make a joke about those things.
I resolve to not...let the kids watch Family Guy anymore. It was embarrassing when we went into a store and Natalie was like, “Look! It’s Peter! And Quagmire! Giggity!”
I resolve to not...stop buying Little Debbie snacks. Parenting magazines can keep trying to make me feel guilty about this but it won’t work. Everyone needs an Oatmeal Cream Pie once in awhile. Maybe that’s why some parents are so uptight. They just need some good old fashioned sugar instead of that edamame crap.
I resolve to not...stop cursing on the road. If people would stop driving like idiots, I wouldn’t have to call them foul names.
I resolve to not...stop posting about shows on Facebook. If you don’t want to know the ending of something, STAY OFFLINE until you watch said program. It’s what I do.
I resolve to not...stop going to the gym. I had been going so I could fit into my wedding dress. Now that I no longer need to worry about squeezing into it, I’m not as worried about going. Still. I’ll try and pop in twice per week. Although I might want to avoid doing so the first few weeks of January until the people who resolved to lose weight get bored and stop going and taking over the machines..
I resolve to not...cease calling people who text and drive a danger on the road. They are. They can say, “Oh, I can do both just fine!” until their face turns blue but I know the truth. One day they’ll either kill or injure someone.
See you in 2012!
So here are some things that I resolve NOT to do…
I resolve to not...stop making fun of Justin Bieber, Twilight, Jersey Shore, etc…it’s just too easy to make a joke about those things.
I resolve to not...let the kids watch Family Guy anymore. It was embarrassing when we went into a store and Natalie was like, “Look! It’s Peter! And Quagmire! Giggity!”
I resolve to not...stop buying Little Debbie snacks. Parenting magazines can keep trying to make me feel guilty about this but it won’t work. Everyone needs an Oatmeal Cream Pie once in awhile. Maybe that’s why some parents are so uptight. They just need some good old fashioned sugar instead of that edamame crap.
I resolve to not...stop cursing on the road. If people would stop driving like idiots, I wouldn’t have to call them foul names.
I resolve to not...stop posting about shows on Facebook. If you don’t want to know the ending of something, STAY OFFLINE until you watch said program. It’s what I do.
I resolve to not...stop going to the gym. I had been going so I could fit into my wedding dress. Now that I no longer need to worry about squeezing into it, I’m not as worried about going. Still. I’ll try and pop in twice per week. Although I might want to avoid doing so the first few weeks of January until the people who resolved to lose weight get bored and stop going and taking over the machines..
I resolve to not...cease calling people who text and drive a danger on the road. They are. They can say, “Oh, I can do both just fine!” until their face turns blue but I know the truth. One day they’ll either kill or injure someone.
See you in 2012!
Hodge Podge Vol 59 - A Few Days Late and Few Dollars Short
On Tuesday through Thursday of this week I was either traveling to, from, or in Gatlinburg for Winter Extreme with our youth at Rock Mills. Tuesday, on the way up....was sick the whole hence why there was no Hodge Podge posted as per usual. Sorry I am late guys...I am home, still not 100%....but home and happy. If you have not already, hop over to Joyce's blog and check out everyone else's answer. You might want to visit Joyce's Christmas is a lovely piece.
Ok so here we go with Joyce's questions and my answers. I hope you are prepared to be amused and whatever.
1. Share something you loved about your Christmas day.
Easy Peasy....a day at Church with my precious husband reading the Christmas story followed by an afternoon of games, food, and fun with my precious daughter Kat and her precious husband Brian. It was a perfect day filled with favorite things!
2. You get to put five items in a time capsule to be opened in 100 years, what items would you choose and why?
- an handwritten journal- handwriting might be a thing of the past. Most young people think so.
- a classic book - not an ebook....a real, smell the pages kind of book. They will be extinct in a 100 years and it would not amaze me if the only place you will be able to find one is in the vault of a library somewhere. My problem is chosing which one. There are so many awesome ones out there.
- My 2011 scrapbook and blog in book form - I think the pictures will give 100 years from now the kind of laugh we get now when we look back at the 1950's, 60's and 70's. I find it hard to believe that I wore that.....ever....and thought I was cute in it.
- the Bible - I would love to pack up my most favorite, dog eared bible, after having carefully marked the special passages I want to share.
- a core set of school books (history, math, english, and science)...that way they will know what kind of role education played in our lives....and what we taught our children.
3. What do you like on a cracker?
Holiday cheeseball, peanut butter, colby or jack cheese, pimiento and cheese, chicken salad,....yep.... I will pretty much eat anything on a Ritz.....reasonably.
4. Do you make resolutions? How'd that work out for you this past year?
I don't make resolutions.....I break those pretty quick. I simply spend a week and reflect on my life from Christmas day until New Years Eve....I look at the good and the bad.....what I succeeded in and failed at....where I need to improve....or accomplish something new.....and pray over them. I do not write them down....because I have found when I made a big deal of them....I ditched them early on....with it kind of between God and I.....I tend to be a bit more focused because the big guy himself is aware of them. Last years goals were shot down in the water with all the death and dying in my life. I hope this year will be better. If I had to give myself a grade I would maybe get a C-. I was halfway there.
5. What's a song or song lyric you'll associate with 2011?
Blessings by Laura Story....this is the kind of year I had.
'We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise'
6. How will you ring in the new year?
I promise you I will be asleep before the ball drops. I will wake up and it will be 2012. We will do something with friends or do something together.
7. What is something you look forward to in 2012?
Peace for my family. A good year. I would like a year with no loss. I am tired of hanging out at the funeral home.....I am tired of tears.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Youth trips are so fun....especially with all girls....there is never a dramaless moment. You have got to love them. We took some of our youth to Gatlinburg to Winter was a wild ride....and the devil had his hand in it from the get go....but...inspite of him....three of our four girls rededicated their lives to God. Can I get an AMEN on that one.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Plushy Seats
We didn’t know what we were doing.
It was the first time we were going to a movie theater where people served you food.
This was why we stopped downstairs and picked up popcorn and nachos just in case the food that was served was the snooty rich people kind.
This was also why the people upstairs kept giving us odd looks as we settled down at a table and waited for our theater to open.
“Why are people giving us weird looks?” Tom asked as he munched on a chip.
“I don’t know. Do I have anything on my face?” I patted my cheeks with a napkin. I’ve been known to be a messy eater. Perhaps I had a trail of cheese across my nose.
“No. You’re good,” Tom promised. “Are we supposed to be eating already?”
I shrugged.
We were having a date night since Tom’s Mom was visiting. There is a theater by our house called The Warren and we kept hearing how people served you food on the balcony. And booze. Plus, you had to be 21 or older so that meant no annoying family with annoying kids would settle down beside us.
“Can I get you something to eat…er…something else to eat?” a waiter asked, coming over to us. He stared at our nachos and popcorn in confusion.
I flipped through the menu. “Cheese fries, please.”
Mmmm. I love cheese fries.
“I really don’t think we were supposed to bring food up here,” Tom whispered.
The waiter dropped off the cheese fries a few minutes later and they looked amazing.
“Or theater is open,” Tom said, so we gathered up all our food and walked over. We handed the lady our tickets and she stared at our food and went, “Did you bring me a snack? You know we serve you in here, right?”
No wonder we were given strange looks.
Oh, well.
We were shown to our seats. Big, plushy seats!
“So if you want anything else, you push this button and someone will take your order,” we were told. “Plus, here’s the button for the seat warmer.”
A seat warmer!
It was perfect for me because I tend to get cold in movie theaters.
We munched on our food and I flipped through the menu. They had an array of delicious desserts. Mmm..
“They do serve popcorn up here,” I said, pointing. I hadn’t been sure.
“Can I take a picture?” I said, digging into my purse and pulling out my phone. No one else around us was taking a picture. And holy crap, some person a few rows down ordered CHAMPAGNE!
I took a quick picture because people kept tossing us baffled looks.
What? Don’t people take photos of their plushy seats?
I mean, we paid $18 EACH to sit in one so dangit, I was going to photograph it.
We ended up ordering dessert. I excitedly pushed the button for a waiter. Man, this must be how rich people feel. Or something.
I ordered a banana split and Tom got a malt. We ate our dessert while the new Sherlock Holmes played.
Would we go back? For sure.
Next time, I’m ordering a burger.
It was the first time we were going to a movie theater where people served you food.
This was why we stopped downstairs and picked up popcorn and nachos just in case the food that was served was the snooty rich people kind.
This was also why the people upstairs kept giving us odd looks as we settled down at a table and waited for our theater to open.
“Why are people giving us weird looks?” Tom asked as he munched on a chip.
“I don’t know. Do I have anything on my face?” I patted my cheeks with a napkin. I’ve been known to be a messy eater. Perhaps I had a trail of cheese across my nose.
“No. You’re good,” Tom promised. “Are we supposed to be eating already?”
I shrugged.
We were having a date night since Tom’s Mom was visiting. There is a theater by our house called The Warren and we kept hearing how people served you food on the balcony. And booze. Plus, you had to be 21 or older so that meant no annoying family with annoying kids would settle down beside us.
“Can I get you something to eat…er…something else to eat?” a waiter asked, coming over to us. He stared at our nachos and popcorn in confusion.
I flipped through the menu. “Cheese fries, please.”
Mmmm. I love cheese fries.
“I really don’t think we were supposed to bring food up here,” Tom whispered.
The waiter dropped off the cheese fries a few minutes later and they looked amazing.
“Or theater is open,” Tom said, so we gathered up all our food and walked over. We handed the lady our tickets and she stared at our food and went, “Did you bring me a snack? You know we serve you in here, right?”
No wonder we were given strange looks.
Oh, well.
We were shown to our seats. Big, plushy seats!
“So if you want anything else, you push this button and someone will take your order,” we were told. “Plus, here’s the button for the seat warmer.”
A seat warmer!
It was perfect for me because I tend to get cold in movie theaters.
We munched on our food and I flipped through the menu. They had an array of delicious desserts. Mmm..
“They do serve popcorn up here,” I said, pointing. I hadn’t been sure.
“Can I take a picture?” I said, digging into my purse and pulling out my phone. No one else around us was taking a picture. And holy crap, some person a few rows down ordered CHAMPAGNE!
I took a quick picture because people kept tossing us baffled looks.
What? Don’t people take photos of their plushy seats?
I mean, we paid $18 EACH to sit in one so dangit, I was going to photograph it.
We ended up ordering dessert. I excitedly pushed the button for a waiter. Man, this must be how rich people feel. Or something.
I ordered a banana split and Tom got a malt. We ate our dessert while the new Sherlock Holmes played.
Would we go back? For sure.
Next time, I’m ordering a burger.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Mercy Come Morning
About The Book: There are no second chances. Or are there? Krista Mueller is in a good place. She’s got a successful career as a professor of history; she’s respected and well-liked; and she lives hundreds of miles from her hometown and the distant mother she could never please. It’s been more than a decade since Alzheimer’s disease first claimed Charlotte Mueller’s mind, but Krista has dutifully kept her mother in a first-class nursing home. Now Charlotte is dying of heart failure and, surprised by her own emotions, Krista rushes to Taos, New Mexico, to sit at her estranged mother’s side as she slips away. Battling feelings of loss, abandonment, and relief, Krista is also unsettled by her proximity to Dane McConnell, director of the nursing home—and, once upon a time, her first love. Dane’s kind and gentle spirit—and a surprising discovery about her mother—make Krista wonder if she can at last close the distance between her and her mother … and open the part of her heart she thought was lost forever.
About The Author: Lisa Tawn Bergren is a mompreneur, God follower, author, editor, traveler, dreamer, risk taker, learner all rolled up into one. She is definitely my kind of writer. Visit her website:
My Thoughts About The Book: As a child of a parents who suffered from dementia this book touched me to the core. I wish there really were somewhere like Cimarron where Alzheimer's patients could be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. This book is a must if you have walked, or are walking in my shoes. The characters were so vivid that I felt as if I knew both Krista and her mom. It was a touching and emotional story line. When dementia takes a loved ones mind it is actually harder than death....because they are physically still present....but the person you knew and loved is no more. I think Bergren did a wonderful job of portraying the steps of dealing with this illness and making peace with the past. A must read! But don't just believe me....look at what other writers have said about this book:
“A timeless tale, to be kept every day in the heart as a reminder that forgiveness is a gift to self.”—PATRICIA HICKMAN, author of The Pirate QueenPraise for MERCY COME MORNING
“Mercy Come Morning is Lisa Bergren’s best yet! Strong characters dealing with passionate life-and-death issues in a Southwest setting so authentic I could taste the chilies and smell the sage. A compelling story of longing, love, and the search for life.… It’s a story to meet the need in every woman’s heart.”
—JANE KIRKPATRICK , author of A Name of Her Own and the Kinship and Courage series “Bergren just keeps getting better. Mercy Come Morning is a deeply moving story of love lost and found. It is also a gentle but compelling invitation to remember the things we should know by heart but often forget along the way.”
—CAROLYN ARENDS, recording artist and author of We’ve Been Waiting for You
“Lisa Bergren writes like a dream, softly calling us to familiar places, walking us through our memories in grandma’s kitchen, past the disappointments of growing up, and through the complexities of imperfect families. Mercy Come Morning is a timeless tale, to be kept every day in the heart as a reminder that forgiveness is a gift to self and joy the glittering residue left upon our doorpost when Christmas is kept every day of the year.”
—PATRICIA HICKMAN, author of Sandpebbles and Katrina’s Wings
This book was previously released as Christmas Every Morning
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in ebook format from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Company through their Blogging for Books program in exchange for my review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are 100% my own and may differ from others.
Winter Extreme 2011/12
Well it is the end of December and here we are at Winter Extreme again. This year we brought 4 girls and 3 adults. Our token male, Stiles, had to cancel at the last minute because his grandmother died. I miss having Stiles with us. The trip had a shaky start yesterday because I got sick on Monday night, was sick Tuesday morning, came anyways....and then...when I thought I had it licked....was sick in the car coming back from registering for the event. How gross and I am so sorry for Renee, Libby, and Lyndi as I sat in the front seat and threw up in a bag....there is no where to stop and pull over in Gatlinburg. We got back to the hotel and I went straight to bed at 3:30.....they all went to eat at CiCi's Pizza and then went to the first session....I slept. All night....and woke up only once when they got in about midnight. At 6 this morning I woke again....took a swig from my Sierra Mist....and knew I was going to survive today. We went to breakfast....and yes, yesterday was a total fast day for me. It killed me to be in a restaurant and smell grease, much less eat it. This morning I managed to keep a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit down from Mickey D's. It was very good. We went to session one....and even though I wanted a Krispy Kreme doughnut I just could not stomach it. I ate half a hamburger for lunch...and some fries...and seem to be fine right now. We are ordering pizza for supper tonight after the concert....I hope I am up to it. I love me some Papa John's! Switchfoot is in concert tonight....but two of the girls have mega (migraine) headaches so they are napping now at the hotel. If they don't feel good when it is time to leave....I will stay behind with them. No problem for me. Switchfoot is a LOUD band. I missed hearing Toby Mac sing and Tony Nolan speak last night...and that does make me sad...but as bad as I was was ok. We took the girls shopping this afternoon between sessions....I am not a huge to be honest it was torture for me. I bought a pair of clips for my glasses so I could have some sunglasses....Frank bought a can see we are definitely the last of the big shoppers. I hope you all are having a wonderful day.....I will have pictures to post on my Project 365 Saturday night. Frank and I got some great shots of Unhindered and Dave Edwards. Happy Wednesday!
BTW are you a camper? Up here in the mountains there are a ton of camping locations. I have actually camped at a few of them myself. While I am not an avid camper I have camped and enjoy it from time to idea of hardshell camping is Motel 6. But....I have camped several times with my cousin in her 36' 5th wheel with three pop outs. That is my kind of camping. There are some beautiful places in Alabama to camp....Lake West Point, Lake Martin, Lake Guntersville (especially if you want to see eagles). And...if you are a camper....then check out the following sites....
Alabama Camping (linking to: )
Family Camping Resources (linking to: )
RV Campgrounds (linking to: )
24 Hour RV Roadside Assistance (linking to:
BTW are you a camper? Up here in the mountains there are a ton of camping locations. I have actually camped at a few of them myself. While I am not an avid camper I have camped and enjoy it from time to idea of hardshell camping is Motel 6. But....I have camped several times with my cousin in her 36' 5th wheel with three pop outs. That is my kind of camping. There are some beautiful places in Alabama to camp....Lake West Point, Lake Martin, Lake Guntersville (especially if you want to see eagles). And...if you are a camper....then check out the following sites....
Alabama Camping (linking to:
Family Camping Resources (linking to:
RV Campgrounds (linking to: http://www.
24 Hour RV Roadside Assistance (linking to:
The Obligatory What We Got For Christmas Post
We woke at 5 AM on Christmas Day..
Are you kidding me? I am not a morning person. My kids were probably up at that time. But they know to play in their rooms until I come and get them.
Therefore we were up at a respectable 830 on Christmas.
Seriously, if I were up at 5 I’d be cranky and would probably forget to take pictures because I’d be half asleep.
Santa came and dropped off some stuff:

Max the Cat is checking everything out, including his stocking.
The kids rushed down the stairs and Tommy shouted, “He came! I’m not on the naughty list!” I might have told him throughout the year when he was not very nice that he’d go on the naughty list. Then Tommy became obsessed with wondering if he was on the naughty list or not.
Natalie was happy with her Rapunzel tower. She was like, “I love this so much!”

More gifts were opened:

Tommy saw this one and was like, “This is weird.” He’s very blunt.

I don’t know what it is about KreO sets but Tommy had a hard time putting it together. Tom had to do it and it took TWO HOURS!

Tommy loves DS games. My best friend Jennifer got this for him.

Natalie immediately got into her Princess Charm School dress and used her Princess Charm School phone.
Tom started opening his presents. Let me tell you, shopping for Tom is not easy. He says it is. He’s all, “Just get me some tools.” But here’s the thing: I don’t know what tools he already has. I don’t speak tool. I don’t know what he’d like. Me, I’d go for something shiny and pink. Somehow I don’t think he’d like that sort of tool. So I struggle finding him stuff at times.
This year I think I did well.

Actually, I didn’t get him the gift card. His Mom did. He’s shocked because his Mom HATES Sears. (Something about not helping her out when the fridge she got from them broke down..) Tom, on the other hand, LOVES Sears. Or mainly, their Craftsman tools.

He loves Angry Birds so I got him the game.

And I surprised him with this statue of a K9 Handler and his dog. He kept saying, “Oh wow,” so I knew I did well.
However, he thought the box the statue was in was a Playstation 3, which he’s been yearning for. He opened all his presents (not pictured? Perry the Platypus pants, funny t-shirts, and a cross necklace..) and seemed baffled that he had not gotten his Playstation 3.
“I think Santa forgot something,” I said and rushed upstairs and brought down one more box.

The Playstation 3. Tom is a spoiled man.
He was like, “I knew it!”
His Mom opened some presents. Tommy got her a necklace that said Grandma on it from his Santa shop at school:

And she’s as excited over chocolates as I am.
As for me?
I got great stuff, too.
This was in my stocking:

Tom actually filled it for the first time. The entire ten years we have been married he never got what went in a stocking. This year it computed.
Here is some more stuff:

The cake pop maker is from Jennifer. Yum! And that seasoning from Steak N Shake? Awesome.
Tom also got me this:

And even put pictures inside:

And this:

With a card that came with it that said, “You will always hold the key to my heart. Forever and always.”
I’d say it was a fabulous Christmas.
Tom would agree.
He got his Playstation 3.
Plus a flying helicopter that shoots missiles.

(Yes. I’ve been shot with a few.)
I hope you all had a great Christmas, too!
Are you kidding me? I am not a morning person. My kids were probably up at that time. But they know to play in their rooms until I come and get them.
Therefore we were up at a respectable 830 on Christmas.
Seriously, if I were up at 5 I’d be cranky and would probably forget to take pictures because I’d be half asleep.
Santa came and dropped off some stuff:
Max the Cat is checking everything out, including his stocking.
The kids rushed down the stairs and Tommy shouted, “He came! I’m not on the naughty list!” I might have told him throughout the year when he was not very nice that he’d go on the naughty list. Then Tommy became obsessed with wondering if he was on the naughty list or not.
Natalie was happy with her Rapunzel tower. She was like, “I love this so much!”
More gifts were opened:
Tommy saw this one and was like, “This is weird.” He’s very blunt.
I don’t know what it is about KreO sets but Tommy had a hard time putting it together. Tom had to do it and it took TWO HOURS!
Tommy loves DS games. My best friend Jennifer got this for him.
Natalie immediately got into her Princess Charm School dress and used her Princess Charm School phone.
Tom started opening his presents. Let me tell you, shopping for Tom is not easy. He says it is. He’s all, “Just get me some tools.” But here’s the thing: I don’t know what tools he already has. I don’t speak tool. I don’t know what he’d like. Me, I’d go for something shiny and pink. Somehow I don’t think he’d like that sort of tool. So I struggle finding him stuff at times.
This year I think I did well.
Actually, I didn’t get him the gift card. His Mom did. He’s shocked because his Mom HATES Sears. (Something about not helping her out when the fridge she got from them broke down..) Tom, on the other hand, LOVES Sears. Or mainly, their Craftsman tools.
He loves Angry Birds so I got him the game.
And I surprised him with this statue of a K9 Handler and his dog. He kept saying, “Oh wow,” so I knew I did well.
However, he thought the box the statue was in was a Playstation 3, which he’s been yearning for. He opened all his presents (not pictured? Perry the Platypus pants, funny t-shirts, and a cross necklace..) and seemed baffled that he had not gotten his Playstation 3.
“I think Santa forgot something,” I said and rushed upstairs and brought down one more box.
The Playstation 3. Tom is a spoiled man.
He was like, “I knew it!”
His Mom opened some presents. Tommy got her a necklace that said Grandma on it from his Santa shop at school:
And she’s as excited over chocolates as I am.
As for me?
I got great stuff, too.
This was in my stocking:
Tom actually filled it for the first time. The entire ten years we have been married he never got what went in a stocking. This year it computed.
Here is some more stuff:
The cake pop maker is from Jennifer. Yum! And that seasoning from Steak N Shake? Awesome.
Tom also got me this:
And even put pictures inside:
And this:
With a card that came with it that said, “You will always hold the key to my heart. Forever and always.”
I’d say it was a fabulous Christmas.
Tom would agree.
He got his Playstation 3.
Plus a flying helicopter that shoots missiles.
(Yes. I’ve been shot with a few.)
I hope you all had a great Christmas, too!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!
I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up!
To have loved the new Muppet movie. I have a crush on Jason Segel. Any man who can sing and dance with muppets gets a thumbs up from me.
To hate plastic twist ties. I’m still finding them around the house from opening all the gifts.
To have gone out the day after Christmas for half off deals.
To think that I probably gained like 10 pounds during the holidays. There’s just so much good stuff to eat!
To love the presents Tom got me. I’ll post more about that tomorrow.
To have had Christmas cookies for lunch the other day.
To think the before and after photos they show on those Proactive commercials are usually two different people.
To hate when people don’t bother to Yield when there is a sign in front of them.
To not be doing anything for New Years. Tom has to work so I might just curl up with a good book.
To have loved the new Muppet movie. I have a crush on Jason Segel. Any man who can sing and dance with muppets gets a thumbs up from me.
To hate plastic twist ties. I’m still finding them around the house from opening all the gifts.
To have gone out the day after Christmas for half off deals.
To think that I probably gained like 10 pounds during the holidays. There’s just so much good stuff to eat!
To love the presents Tom got me. I’ll post more about that tomorrow.
To have had Christmas cookies for lunch the other day.
To think the before and after photos they show on those Proactive commercials are usually two different people.
To hate when people don’t bother to Yield when there is a sign in front of them.
To not be doing anything for New Years. Tom has to work so I might just curl up with a good book.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Bittersweet Surrender
About the Book: Carly Westlake is living the dream. She spends her days at a spa (okay, so she owns the place), she's dating a hunk, and she's surrounded by chocolate-milk chocolate, her favorite-that she uses for the chocolate facials that made her spa famous.
But when long buried secrets threaten Carley's business and her friendship with business-partner Tom, she fights like crazy to keep the dream-and the illusions-afloat. It takes a miracle of grace to get Carley to finally make that bittersweet surrender to love and real life.
My Thoughts: I have to be honest and tell you that Bittersweet Surrender started out very slow for me. The key word there is started out. Once the foundation for the story and the characters was laid the book became an very interesting read and the ending was worth the buildup. This book is a story of a tangled web created by lies, and of grace that is God given. Carly, the main character feels broken because of breast cancer and rejected because her husband left her when she needed him most. When another character sees her inner and outer beauty he reminds her that she is a creation of God and that Jesus loves her just the way she is. I loved the fact that these characters were seasoned and more mature in age. not the traditional 20 something year old heroine. As a 50+ reader, veteran of divorce, who has lost many friends/family members to breast cancer the book really touched my life. It is a definite must read. I hope you will take a chance and pick it up at your local book store. You won't regret it. Warning: This book will make you want to divulge in great amounts of chocolate.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in ebook format from Thomas Nelson Publishing Company in exchange for my review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are 100% my own and may differ from others.
But when long buried secrets threaten Carley's business and her friendship with business-partner Tom, she fights like crazy to keep the dream-and the illusions-afloat. It takes a miracle of grace to get Carley to finally make that bittersweet surrender to love and real life.
About the Author: Since January 2010 her life has been in a state of turmoil, though nothing more than God can handle. It was then she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It’s been a roller-coaster ride to be sure, but she has been fighting with everything in her and hopes to get past this. Want to know more about Diann? Check out her website:
About The Disease: Ovarian cancer is a silent killer. Symptoms don’t appear many times until it’s too late–or at least it makes for a much harder battle. Ovarian cancer is something women thing will never happen to us. We always think it’s someone else, but it isn’t. Take care of yourself. I care about you. Your family cares about you get tested regularly.My Thoughts: I have to be honest and tell you that Bittersweet Surrender started out very slow for me. The key word there is started out. Once the foundation for the story and the characters was laid the book became an very interesting read and the ending was worth the buildup. This book is a story of a tangled web created by lies, and of grace that is God given. Carly, the main character feels broken because of breast cancer and rejected because her husband left her when she needed him most. When another character sees her inner and outer beauty he reminds her that she is a creation of God and that Jesus loves her just the way she is. I loved the fact that these characters were seasoned and more mature in age. not the traditional 20 something year old heroine. As a 50+ reader, veteran of divorce, who has lost many friends/family members to breast cancer the book really touched my life. It is a definite must read. I hope you will take a chance and pick it up at your local book store. You won't regret it. Warning: This book will make you want to divulge in great amounts of chocolate.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in ebook format from Thomas Nelson Publishing Company in exchange for my review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are 100% my own and may differ from others.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Singing Rapunzel
If you asked Natalie what she wanted for Christmas, she’d always say the same thing: “Singing Rapunzel.”
We took her to see Santa and she walked boldly over to his lap, took a seat, and when he asked what she wanted him to bring her, she said without hesitation, “Singing Rapunzel.”
When Tom’s Mom came and inquired on what she hoped to receive from Santa, she replied, “Princess dresses! And Singing Rapunzel.”
On Christmas Eve Natalie told us all that she’d be getting a Singing Rapunzel because Santa wouldn’t want to make her cry.
As I tucked her into bed, Natalie rubbed her palms together and said, “I can’t wait to see my Singing Rapunzel!”
Christmas morning arrived and Natalie opened her presents from Santa. She loved all her gifts but she seemed confused. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for her special gift.
“Natalie. Here’s one more present from Santa,” Tom said, handing it over.
Natalie stared at it for a few seconds, pondering. Then she ripped the paper.
Did she get Singing Rapunzel?
“Singing Rapunzel!” she shounted, her voice full of glee. “I told you! I told you! I told you Santa would get me Singing Rapunzel!”
She immediately put her Rapunzel dress on.
“Now,” she said, “we’re twins.”
(I sort of want to hide Singing Rapunzel. One can only hear “And at last I see the lights!” a certain amount of times before one wants to chuck said doll outside.)
What was the hit gift in your home?
We took her to see Santa and she walked boldly over to his lap, took a seat, and when he asked what she wanted him to bring her, she said without hesitation, “Singing Rapunzel.”
When Tom’s Mom came and inquired on what she hoped to receive from Santa, she replied, “Princess dresses! And Singing Rapunzel.”
On Christmas Eve Natalie told us all that she’d be getting a Singing Rapunzel because Santa wouldn’t want to make her cry.
As I tucked her into bed, Natalie rubbed her palms together and said, “I can’t wait to see my Singing Rapunzel!”
Christmas morning arrived and Natalie opened her presents from Santa. She loved all her gifts but she seemed confused. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for her special gift.
“Natalie. Here’s one more present from Santa,” Tom said, handing it over.
Natalie stared at it for a few seconds, pondering. Then she ripped the paper.
Did she get Singing Rapunzel?
“Singing Rapunzel!” she shounted, her voice full of glee. “I told you! I told you! I told you Santa would get me Singing Rapunzel!”
She immediately put her Rapunzel dress on.
“Now,” she said, “we’re twins.”
(I sort of want to hide Singing Rapunzel. One can only hear “And at last I see the lights!” a certain amount of times before one wants to chuck said doll outside.)
What was the hit gift in your home?
Chick-Fil-A Prize Pack Winner
I did a giveaway for a Chick-fil-a prize pack here.
I used to pick a number and it chose..
...number 21, which was Sarah Beth! Congrats!
If you didn't win, try again. I'll have more giveaways in the future!
I used to pick a number and it chose..
...number 21, which was Sarah Beth! Congrats!
If you didn't win, try again. I'll have more giveaways in the future!
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On: Things About Me by Jenny Slate- ADVISABLE
Slate, Jenny. Fleischler-Camp, Dean. Marcel the Shell with Shoes On: Things About Me, 40 pgs. Razorbill, 2011. $18.99. Inside cover: “Meet Marcel, a Shell. He has shoes and a face, and friends, and a whole life. It’s not exactly like your life or mine, so that is what this book is about.” I liked this book because the main character was a shell. It was really funny. When he had popcorn with his grandma, I laughed hard. This is a creative picture book. Pre-K. EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: JL- age 9.
George Brown, Class Clown: Help! I'm Stuck in a Giant Nostril by Nancy Krulik- ADVISABLE
Krulik, Nancy. Blecha, Aaron. George Brown, Class Clown: Help! I’m Stuck in a Giant Nostril!, 128 pgs. Grosset & Dunlap, 2011. $4.99. This book is about a boy who goes on a field trip to a science museum called, “Beaver Brook Science Center.” They go into the five senses room where there are stations where you can hear, smell, feel, see, and taste things. At the smelling station is a giant nose slide. Every now and then smells come in and out. George gets stuck in the slide and his friends try to rescue him. I liked this book because of the cartoon illustrations. I also liked the detail. It was a really funny book. EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: JL- age 9.
School Days according to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney- ESSENTIAL
Birney, Betty G. School Days according to Humphrey, 160 pgs. Putnam Juvenile, 2011. $14.99. This book is about a hamster who is excited to come back to school. Over the summer he went to camp. When he returned from camp, there were strange students filling up the room. He didn’t know where his old friends were. Will he ever find them? I liked this book because Humphrey nicknamed the characters like “Hurry Up Harry” and “Helpful Holly”. I liked the fact that Humphrey was smarter than all the kids. This book was really funny. I read it fast because I liked the story. EL (K-3). ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: JL- age 9.
Z. Raptor by Steve Cole- ADVISABLE
Cole, Steve. Z. Raptor, 240 pgs. Penguin Young Readers, 2011. $16.99. Adam goes to spend Christmas with his father and finds that his father has created a video game that uses a person’s thoughts to control the characters thoughts and actions. Unfortunately, scientists have stolen his father’s technology and created dinosaurs with human abilities. Adam and his father are left to fight against the dinosaurs and for the rights of inmates on a deserted island. I really liked how the Raptors were genetically changed to have the human’s ability to think. It was interesting to see how the author came up with this plot. It was an entertaining and exciting book. EL, MS. ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: ML- age 12.
Merry Christmas To All!
We had a wonderful breakfast this morning first thing with the Towler family in the house next door. It was such a warm and wonderful time. At church Frank read the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-20 to us this morning at church sitting in this rocker with the children at his feet. We had the picture made after church. It was a messy, rainy day but the spirit inside the sanctuary was one of warmth and love. I am sitting here right now waiting for my daughter to come and spend some time with us. I have made chili and Mexican cheesy chicken soup for us to share. I quit making regular Christmas fare several years ago. I hope we have time to play a game or two. I hope you are enjoying your families and loved ones today. Merry Christmas to you all!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Project 365 - Week 52
Well, according to Sara it is Week 52. It seems a bit odd for it to be week 52 when there is another week left to go. So Sara looked back and the issue is the week 1 only had 1 day in it!! Ok Sara so what are we going to do about this? I will be honest I am not ready to give up just yet. I think we should all post one more time and call the week 52B. Head over to Sara's place and see what everyone has been snapping this week. Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year. Feliz Navidad! So, here's my week in a nutshell:
Sunday, December 18th
No, we do not have children this small....or grandkids. These are donations that were made for 8 children and my house was the collection point. The boys bike is for a neighbor child, the biggest girls bike is for the sister at that same house. The little girls bike is for a Rock Mills child who's house burned to the ground. I know these kids will love this. Two of these we are actually delivering after the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve. I can't wait.
Monday, December 19th
Bill's Charlie Brown outdoor decorations. I thought they were to cute to pass up.
Tuesday, December 20th
I didn't have my camera at Mrs. Betty Jeans and Mr. Larry's today when we stopped by to see their tree but this ornament caught my eye so I shot it with Frank's cell phone camera. It is not as good as I wished it were, but it will do. The bowling pin below was our Christmas gift from the Kings. They brought it all the way back from Michigan. I love it and it has a place of honor in the tv room.
Wednesday, December 21st
We were supposed to meet Georgia at school at 8 a.m. to clear out Mary's closet. Georgia must have forgotten because she did not show up, so Frank and I went through the closet and got all of Mary's stuff we could find. When we left you could actually go from the front to the back.
Thursday, December 22nd
Thursday night we had dinner and Christmas with the Blairs. Deborah's house was decorated so cute and we had such a great time. We had Brunswick soup and salad and then opened gifts. It was a fun time. We love spending time with the Blair family.
Friday, December 23rd
Frank gave me my Christmas present early. It is a backpack camera bag with a tripod. I love it and have already loaded it up and it makes traveling a whole lot easier.
Saturday, December 24th - Christmas Eve
Sunrise this morning. The second shot was out my french door window. Greg tinted my windows a few weeks ago and I thought I would try a shot through the tint. We went to Amanda's this morning for our family brunch and Christmas present opening. It was great fun.
Will with the garage. He was really into his work.
Kimbell and Drew man sharing a juice box.
I made photo albums for all of us who went to Rosemary Beach at Thanksgiving. They were a hit and Dustin is checking out theirs. I made 7 albums and they had 75 photos in each one. This one gift was the one gift that gave me a happy feeling.
Frank is figuring out how to put one of the kids presents together.
Drew and Tommy in deep discussion over a toy stethoscope. Tommy won.
Victor opening one of the two huge presents. One was full of packing peanuts and thankfully this one was not.
Wheeler with his Fischer Price backpacking tent set. It was really cool. We had for Wheeler and one for Drew...and it took six adults to put the thing together. Oh I miss those days when we had little ones. Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you have a blessed day!
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