Sunday, August 21, 2011

Project 365 - Volume 34

 It is that time of week again when I pull out the card reader and upload the pictures I have taken this week.  I had a quiet week and there are not many pictures....I still got one for each day.  Enjoy my week and hop over to Sara's and enjoy everyone's won't be sorry! let my week's photo journal began!

Sunday, August 14th
 Frank is a huge FSU (Florida State University) fan. His daughter, Amy gave him this for his birthday a few years ago.  He loves it... I like the fact that it spins...The sun was setting when I took this....and you can see the yellow reflection a bit on the right side of the inner circle.

Monday, August 15th
My little bee friend was so busy getting nectar that he did not pay a bit of attention to me when I snapped this picture.  All of his other bee buddies all flew away....but not this guy....he was focused!

Tuesday, August 16th
Sunrise Tuesday morning from Daviston, AL.  I actually pulled over, got out of the car, and took this one.  It was just so gorgeous.  Seeing this makes me wonder how people can say there is no God?

Wednesday, August 17th
John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the bible.  I found something photo worthy in Daviston again today.

Thursday, August 18th
Perryville Baptist Church had a great sign this week too.  I am usually lucky to find one....this week there was a plethera of signs on my Hwy 22 adventure.

Friday, August 19th 
I loved this sign!  It made me want to shout...."AMEN!"

Saturday, August 20th
The mystery of my plant(s) is partially solved.  One of the plants has produced this.....a watermelon!  The second plant....still not sure.  It almost looks like a cantaloupe.....sort of.  We went to Lagrange today to see one of our neighbors/church members and she told us that they planted watermelon and cantaloupe....and the deer ate most of you suppose that is how they got in my flower bed?  Could they have beem blown here by the tornado in April?  I guess we will never have the answer to that question....for now...I am just enjoying watching them grow and trying to figure out what they are.  Have a wonderful Sunday!  See you next week...same bat time....same bat channel!

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